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Learner resource centre?


I have been tasked with looking for software, books, resources etc. for a LRC we are setting up within my call centre.

Can anyone recommend any good resources or where to find any info/catologues etc.

Thanks in advance
Lisa Young

4 Responses

  1. LRC

    A few years ago I had a similar task. I found Ivy Software quite good at the time, they are based in Newcastle upon Tyne, you can get their details from They offer a complete range of software and can provide a ready made resource centre if this is required. The guy who headed it up was Mark somebody (sorry can’t be more helpful on this) and he is really helpful.

    Hope this helps,

    Steven Rowe

    Added bit:

    The name was Mark Heyes-Green, this was two years ago

  2. Adding online learning resources centre
    If you also want to create immediate access to online resources and resource downloads for your staff, you can display the Toolkit using the current licensing facilities. This creates an online learning resource centre which requires no maintenance. Customisable versions are also available.

  3. Variety helps…
    When we recently set up our learning centre, I found it useful to talk to more than one supplier. I’m currently using Learning Resources International (01234 888877) near Bedford, and Wright Training (0121 687 4040) in Birmingham. Both of them deal with all media from multiple suppliers, and are good for a chat on what sort of offering you are thinking of.

    Also happy to offer advice on setting up LRC based on my recent experience if useful.

