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Linux eLearning


I am looking to deploy an elearning solution across an enterprise to train technical staff in Red Hat, Linux. I can't find a solution which incorporates live/simulated labs as part of the training. If anyone has come across this before, I would like to hear what they did to solve this issue.
Nicholas Adams

2 Responses

  1. Change hats?
    I think Red Hat do this themselves. But of course, it is expensive.

    You might have more luck (and get better results) if you look out for Unix training in general, and then training in whatever specific Unix things matter to you, e.g Samba, Apache or whatever.


  2. Bespoke solution?
    Hi, Nicholas,

    I know I’m late in replying, but I may be able to help a little.

    I am an independant Learning Strategist and, in my travels, I come across a lot of companies who deal with just your type of problem.

    If you haven’t yet got a solution then contact me on [email protected] and I’ll see what I can do.

    Best regards,

    Dave O’Neill
    Learning Strategist


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