We are a small software company and typically travel all over the country to provide onsite training to small groups of clients. On occasions we would prefer to host larger London events and wonder if anyone is able to recommend a good location in Central London? Venues without computers are straightforward to find, but those with computers are less easy. Recommendations would be appreciated! Thank you.

4 Responses
Venue options in London
Hi Zoe,
I’ll be interested to see what others contribute to this, I’m always looking for new ideas on how to partner with venues, too.
Have you found http://www.localtrainingcentres.co.uk or http://www.venues.org.uk of any help?
If you know of a standard training centre chain, like Pitman, QA or Computeach, that has a physical location in the London area you wish, I have found some of them will rent out rooms/ facilities to other training providers. I’m sure it’s a way to build up business awareness of their own as well as make use of rooms they aren’t filling themselves; at the same time, it establishes my own profile with the training centre, which can lead to further partnering opportunities.
Please let me know if this approach works for you – and where.
Tiffany Nairne
Director & Senior Consultant, Capitential LTD
London Centre
Have you tried the Methodist International Conference and Training Centre on Euston Street adjacent to Euston station? Very modern and very reasonable – residential too.A real gem
QED Training
Central London IT training venues
Hi Zoe
Premier IT offers room hire and has rooms of varying sizes kitted out with computers, or not, depending on your requirements. Based between Holborn and Russell Square (WC1) these are very convenient and full reception/refreshment facilities are also provided. http://www.premierit.com
Training Room in London
Hi there,
We rent out training rooms and are based in Southwark, SE1. If you go to our website at http://www.ptd-ltd.com and click the link for Training Room Hire you will see our rates. Typically we charge £150 per day, £30 for 9 laptops, and £10 per extra laptop. All prices are transparent on our site.
How many PC’s do you need? We can cater for up to 25 comfortably, but are looking at expanding to a new office that can take 30+.