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Looking for reource for diversity and equality workshop


I am delivering a full day workshop on diversity and equality and am looking for video/cd to cover managing bullying and harrasment. Am aware of the fenman video. I have looked at the archives but some of the recommendations are out of date, any help would be appreciated. Thank you
Eileen Graham
Eileen Graham

4 Responses

  1. A Tale of O
    A Tale of O is a great resource – it’s by Dr Rosabeth Moss Kanter and available from Video Arts.

  2. try skillboosters
    Having viewed just about every E&D DVD/Video on the market I would recommend Skillboosters. very focused on how to practice E&D rather than the old-fashioned guilt/blame approach.

    Also there is an excellent Disability DVD called ‘Talk’ that was produced by the Disability Rights Commission (now absorbed into CEHR).

  3. Diversity Resource
    Appreciate that this may come a little late, but if you’re particularly after a video based resource, try googling ‘Jane Elliott’ – her work usually sparks debate amongst participants.

    Best Wishes