I am delivering a full day workshop on diversity and equality and am looking for video/cd to cover managing bullying and harrasment. Am aware of the fenman video. I have looked at the archives but some of the recommendations are out of date, any help would be appreciated. Thank you
Eileen Graham
Eileen Graham

4 Responses
A Tale of O
A Tale of O is a great resource – it’s by Dr Rosabeth Moss Kanter and available from Video Arts.
Suggestion ….
Hi Eileen, check out Angel Productions, not used them personally but have been recommended to me. http://www.angelproductions.co.uk
try skillboosters
Having viewed just about every E&D DVD/Video on the market I would recommend Skillboosters. very focused on how to practice E&D rather than the old-fashioned guilt/blame approach.
Also there is an excellent Disability DVD called ‘Talk’ that was produced by the Disability Rights Commission (now absorbed into CEHR).
Diversity Resource
Appreciate that this may come a little late, but if you’re particularly after a video based resource, try googling ‘Jane Elliott’ – her work usually sparks debate amongst participants.
Best Wishes