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management competencies


I work for an organisation with a very diverse group of people. We have senior managers and managers with a high level of skill and knowledge of our industry, managers with less skill, experienced staff as well as inexperienced staff with very basic English skills. In the past we have tried to communicate management competencies via notices on staff notice-boards, but invariably they get ignored. Managers are worried about how to explain quite a complex range of indicators to their teams. What is the most effective way to communicate a set of management competencies to this diverse group?

6 Responses

  1. Managerial Competencies
    Mini and exclusive team briefings followed by optional and time limited one to one “surgeries” are one way.Another is an away day or half day. Another idea I have seen used is to have the competencies used at the masthead of agendas,calling notices,joining instructions AND to ensure that there is a fixed agenda item listing the comps with a q and a slot,or issues arising etc etc



  2. use them in everyday situations
    Competencies form the basis of job specs, recruitment advertising and interviewing, performance management and assessment.
    If you use them consistantly in all these arenas they should rapidly become part of the everyday unconscious knowledge and vocabulary of the organisation.
    (notwithstanding the other comments already made which are probably the best way to get them out there is the first place.

  3. Why do they need to know ?
    Serious question. If I’m a member of staff, why should I be interested ? What’s in it for me ? What would I do with the information ? I would hope that answers to these might help.

  4. Communicating competencies
    For those who *need* to know what the management competencies are, and what they mean, I would strongly recommend involvement in their formulation in the first place.

    A neat way of doing this is a survey – even if only by post/email in a large organisation – inviting people to rank your short-list of competencies for importance/relevance, perhaps a) for the organisation at large and b) for their part of it.

    I hope helpful?

    Kind regards


  5. Management competencies
    Another way to encourage buy-in is to map your identified competencies to the National Qualifications Framework to underline relevance and staff development potential.

  6. Management Competencies
    Best advice I can give you is to purchase or create a software package that lists all employees competencies per position. This way employees can look up any position and determine what competencies are required to fullfill that position. Placing competencies on a notice board is a complete waste of time.