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Management Skills & Development


I used to receive a magazine by subscription called 'Management Skills & Development' this was an excellent magazine for keeping abreast of various issues and models relating to Management Development, each issue seemed to conentrate on a particular issue such as Leadership or Change.

I have rung up the publisher (Haymarket) who state that this magazine is no longer published. I was wondering what happened to the magazine and whether there are any alternatives available?

I read and subscribe to Training Journal which is an excellent resource to stimulate thought on various topics. With a limited amount of time available to keep me topical I value someone else doing the research!

I am sure other Management Developmers would value any advice you may have!
Mike Smith

3 Responses

  1. People Performance Magazine
    Hi, I am aware that a new magazine is coming out called People Performance Magazine. You can find details at their website: I have no further information at present but hope this is of some help.
    Rod Webb (pdc online)

  2. MS&D
    Management Skills & Development was not published by Haymarket. It was published by TRaining Information Network.

    I suggest previous MS&D readers look at Human Resources (Haymarket) and People Performance (Visibility)

  3. Re: Management Skills & Development
    Hi, perhaps I can bring you upto date on your search for the magazine Management Skills & Development. The title folded in May of this year. The Editors, Anthony Landale & Bob Little
    are now behind the new publication People Performance. If you or any other readers would like to recieve a personal copy, either register online at or contact us on 01923 222101. The first full launch issue will be available on the 11th of September. We look forward to welcoming you as a new reader.