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Management Style


I am running a training programme for 8 supervisors looking after teams of 10 - 15. They are relatively naive and I could do with a simple exercise that will help them to identify and understand thier management style.

I don't want to "blind them with science" or training speak.

Any help much appreciated to
Michelle Roberts

3 Responses

  1. short questionnaire
    Hello Michelle,

    I would suggest using Blake and Mouton and their questionnaire – or I have one or two simple ‘tests’ to get people thinking about their management style; if you’d like them e-mail me at

  2. Management Style exercise
    Sounds like you want a simple exercise to help illustrate the different styles and open their eyes to other possibilities.
    I’d suggest a simple line exercise (or group sculpt) – get them to line up according to a couple of simple opposites. For example, high structure/directive at one end and low structure/facilitative at the other. Get them to talk to the person next to them in the line and give examples so they can decide whether to stay where they are or move themselves the other side of that person.
    Other polarities might be spontaneous/decisive versus reflective/considered; believing people are mostly self motivated and need encouargement versus believing people need a manager to motivate them and need supervising; focused on task versus focused on people; big picture strategist versus practical detailed person.
    There are various related theories you draw upon if needed (eg Tannenbaum and Schmidt, Macgregor XY, etc.) though many of these, including Blake and Moulton, are looking a little dated (or more positively you could call them time-less classics).

  3. Management Style

    I use a simple questionnaire for managers that helps them to understand if they Participate, Support, Direct or Delegate.

    I use this after explaining what each style looks and sounds like. After this first stage I ask participants to mark on a board or flipchart where they feel they sit with their style.

    We then complete the questionnaire and they then plot where the result shows them. There is always a difference and this gives a good discussion point or springboard into a further session.

    I would be happy to send you the details. If you are interested please email me at