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Manager Performance Management Training Provider Required


I am a training manager within a large distribution shed, our new team of 6 middle managers have inherited numerous poor-performance issues within the line management team. 

We have tried the legal training approach but the legal begal we used only succeeded in painting worse case scenarios and freighted them off from tackling poor performance. All material presented related to gross-misconduct issues not poor performance.

We employed a HR guru all she did was bored the pants off them with procedural info they already knew. Again a great deal of the material related to gross-misconduct not poor performance. When questioned about poor performance, 'appraisal' was the only thing offered. What also disappointed us was that all the material related to employees poor performance rather than manager poor performance.

We have also tried all the Dale Carnegy motivational type training and the GROW model concept went down like a lead balloon, it is certainly not motivational, inspirational or inspiring to managers.

What I need is a provider who can give my middle manager; no nonsense, in the face, practical 'manager' performance management training. Is there anybody out there who can provide us with this type of training?

9 Responses

  1. Performance Management
    Sounds like you have had a distribution shed of anoraks!

    We are able to provide practical training which would encapsulate:-

    Management styles impacting on the performance of those being managed

    Performance or appraisal systems which provide potential for “stretching” and “added value”

    The right to manage – legal input which shows managers how not to be paralysed by the law. Emphasis upon what is reasonable, practical and proportionate

    Techniques for providing feedback so that the other person does 60% of the talking

    Open communication techniques

    Dealing with a range of difficult people and/or situations

    We don’t vacumn pack the training away from internal policies and protocols OR external factors such as employment and discrimination law



    QED Training

  2. Performance Management Training

    Hello Ann, have a good performance management course.

    It covers using objectives, developing goals, delegation, empowering people, motivating, the praise/reprimand process, appraisals.

    The section dealing with praising and reprimanding is excellent. It provides an easy to use structure for the whole process.

    Contact details are on the website.


  3. Suggest you work with a professional …

    It sounds very much like you have been on the receiving end of pre-prepared ‘this is what we can offer you’ type of courses that clearly don’t fit your needs.

    What about working with a learning professional who will come into your organisation, find out what your real problems and design a solution around meeting them?  It may not be training that is needed. 

    I can recommend a couple of really good independents if you want to email me offline – it depends where you are geographically as to which one I would suggest.

    Hope this helps.

    Jooli Atkins

  4. Poor Performance (and of Trainers I guess).

     We run a number of Poor Performance workshops and tend to find that people ARE aware of the various legal frameworks – it’s tackling people that really prevents performance management working well. I suggest workshops where people are working through real life scenarios using AID, SARAH and any other appropriate models. Car crashing in the training room really works as it develops the skills and starts to overcome the barriers of not wanting to deal with poor performers. It’s about confidence, support, sticking to the facts and being assertive. Some people don’t like role playing so using actors is particularly powerful.

    If you want to talk over cunning plans, do get in touch or visit

    Good luck, Alec

  5. performance management

    Hi Ann

    sounds like a very frustrating situation for you…it doesn’t help anyone when providers just don’t deliver.

    If I were going to work with you, it would have to be on my terms which would be having a proper discussion with you and these managers to identify exactly what they are lacking in terms of knowledge, skills or both in relation to performance management and exactly what difference they want this training to make – ie their outcomes, (face to face or by phone/video conferencing) Then they can have a bespoke programme that exactly fits yours and their needs, drawing on their own real life experiences of ‘poor performing individuals’ and strategies they can employ to close the ‘performance gaps’.

    If these managers have inherited ‘poor performing’ individuals, it also sounds as though there is a need to help them manage their teams through a ‘culture change’ where performance is being given a high priority rather than perhaps ‘swept under the carpet’ as in the past.

    I’d be happy to talk this through further.

    I hope you’re successful in your quest.




  6. Help to find a provider

    Hi Ann

    I notice that to date you have only received a few replies so I would like to suggest that you use to help you source more replies from suitable providers. We have a large number of registered providers who offer this type of training. It’s FREE and you can manage, sort and view your replies in your own personalised dashboard. I hope that this is helpful.

    Good luck with the search



    David Quinlan


    Top Training Broker

  7. From past experience

     Hi Ann,

    Sounds like a situation I found myself in last year when rolling out a new performance management programme to a group of managers and team leaders in a mail order catalogue distribution centre. 

    The business had never had any real performance management process in place before and such saw the introduction of it a real hurdle, they simply were not interested.

    I was tasked with developing the process and then rolling out the programme and a subsequent training course to support the process.  Something that was creative, would help the management team understand the benefits of the process and the techniques required to manage under-performance and behaviour.

    Because of the background to the project, I did some work in the session to raise the managers awareness of their impact on the performance of the team i.e. if they were negative toward the process, then what would the teams reaction be?  If they were not perceived to be motivated, how would that impact and so on.

    The result of the overall programme was that the managers began to use the tools and skills from the session (which did include GROW), but because of their understanding of their own behaviour etc, they actually saw a reduction in poor performance and and increase in productivity.  The evaluation put this down to the introduction of the process, but also the change in management behaviour.

    My experience of this taught me that the ‘corporate approach’ doesn’t always work.  As training providers we need to understand the needs and culture of the organisation in order to pitch the training at a level that is understood but also engaging for the audience.

    I’m currently writing a similar programme for an a large group of engineers and builders.  Again, a complete different approach is needed for this, but I’m confident that my research will allow me to pitch this at the right level.

    I’m happy to talk further with you about this if you like.  Just get in touch through the message system on the site.


    Revolution Learning and Development Ltd

  8. Mmmm

    It sounds to me, as if your workforce problems are caused by a blocked learning wall. They need practical on the job support with clear advice given the moment they make a boo boo, class room stuff won’t work.


  9. I didn’t realise we could advertise to overtly!

    Well, I won’t add to the ‘me me, me, come to me’ posts.

    Ann, it seems to me that you need to work on these folk one to one in a blunt and direct way.

    Frankly, if they aren’t up to the job they are being paid a decent salary to do, it may be appropriate to motivate them by making that clear.

    I am very familiar with these issues and the need to work with individuals in a no nonsense yet supportive if they are engaging, way.

    Cue more adverts…

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