There is much criticism of the value of NVQ's in Management. I want to find out from managers who've actually achieved such an award (at Level 4 or 5),what value they place on their qualification and what they gained from doing it. I want to track down any existing research into this. I would also like to hear from management NVQ-holders themselves, especially those in the public sector.
John Boyle

7 Responses
Experience of management NVQ’s
I both assess and have completed a management NVQ. I appreciate the critisism that has been directed at these and other NVQ’s, but in my opinion the benefit they can give is derived from good planning by the candidate, line manager and assessor at the outset of the qualification. You must ensure that the assessment process does not become a ‘paper chase’, but in fact a learning experience which includes new projects for the candidate to undertake.
If you wish to discuss this more please e-mail
Alison Lones
Management NVQ’s
The framework for the management standards are in my view perfectly sensible and appropriate.
The standards merely point to the type of things managers should be capable of and what they should know.
The critism that is often justified is that many of the NVQ’s are ‘paper chases’ (standards approach)or show what candidates can do but provide little development and therefore little interest (Evidence approach).
In order to gain the most from an NVQ programme, it must be developmental. Starting with an assessment of personal, team and organisational needs, the development focused on improving management performance and providing new and stimulating development activities.
Over the last eight years we have developed a programme based around the principles of Action Learning, developing confidence through use of techniques such as NLP, carrying out diagnostics through personality profiling and team role analysis, matching organisational needs and improvements through individualised improvement Action plans and ensuring that materials are provided to support the development.
I think it is important that those involved in the design and delivery and assessment of NVQ’s think more laterally about what we are doing and move beyond the all too familiar rhetoric that NVQ’s are not working.
management development
paper standards alone, do not a manager make
we develop highly focused, tailor made programmes, strategies & 360 profling tools integrated processes which enable managers to recognise the value and consequences of difference and unlock potential
managers need to have the willing ability to lead the human resource to achieve high levels of satisfaction and reward, which releases
unique expertise and know-how to the community pot
all individuals (but especially) those who have any responsibility or duty of care,for the human resource, should understand how the nature of perceptions and preferences, know how behaviours are formed and work collaboratively to develop the skills strategies and behaviours which evolving culture, infrastructure and style.
Management NVQs
Contact us through or website http//
As the Training Manager of the County Council, we have used NVQs through a number of provideres. Like so much of training, success/value depends on the rapport between the trainer(mentor/adviser/assessor) and the candidate. It also depends on what you expect to get out of it. Those with a negative view of the NVQ framework resent what they have to d, whereas others see it as exciting and dynamic. NVQ is now our preferred option for management qualifications as it is competency based and therefore more easily measureable. It also fits the culture of Performance indicators and performance assessment within which Local Authorities work. Please contact me if you wish tom discuss further
Hi John!
Hello John! Thought it might be you when i saw this question. How exciting – it feels like you’re famous! I was sent this website speculatively i presume – it looks good! As for your question, we’ve put a few people through management NVQs – i’ll pass this on to them. Are there any specific questions you want to ask? You can answer this on Lotus if you like – i’m afraid i might never be able to find this again!
Interesting Responses
I’m delighted to have found today six varied and helpful responses to my request. I would like to contact Mike Smith and John Wallace but can’t see any means of doing so in either case. Am I missing something?