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Managing a central training budget


I hold a central training budget and receive bids from throughout my organisation. I have more bids than budget!

Any ideas on how to prioritise or apply criteria to keep everyone happy. All bids relate to our business plan objectives so its not easy!!

Many thanks
Steve Bilton

One Response

  1. More requests than budget
    Hi Steve
    This may appear filppant but I believe this is easier than most people realise.

    In your situation where you have a budget – ask for each request to show a link to delivering the business plan – what is the return a manager expects for that investment – often most training is not linked to business plan so is easy to dismiss in this situation.

    Then BEFORE the budgeting process carryout a TNA WITH your managers, calculate a budget and then request that budget. When you are not given the full request (not uncommon) ask the person making the decision to let you know what training is not going to be funded and why. Where a strong business case exists it is easy to justify increased training budgets.

    This is the process I have been through a number of times when I have been Training Manager. It works – but is it uncomfortable for people. It also helps the organisation to understand the real value of training and what it can add over time to the bottom line.

    Incidentailly whenever I have done this – within 3 years training spend has increased significantly!

    good luck
