I train in sales but get lots of clients asking me whether I train in media too because I have worked as a publisher/editor in a previous life. I am trying to track down a really good course on dealing with the media to recommend to my clients and am having real difficulty finding anyone who does both dealing with the press, writing PR, interview techniques and TV training. Any idea?
Lucy Brazier

7 Responses
Try Great Beginnings
Great Beginnings run courses on Media Awareness and Dealing with the Media. Check out their web site http://www.great-beginnings.co.uk or ring them on 0123 8033 0532 … if you speak to Judi Williams do tell her that JK Smart said hello.
Media Training
I am a police trainer, and I have a powerpoint presentation about police officers giving TV and Radio interviews, also writing a short press appeal. You might be able to tweake the content. If you want the stuff get in touch.
Media Training
I believe that Media Training Masterclasses Ltd are the best media interview training company in Europe and are based here at the Cotswold Conference Centre, near Broadway, Worcestershire,(our businesses are not connected by the way ) though they deliver training all over the world.I’d recommend that you have a chat with them and discuss the interest you have received in this very specialised training area. They cover a wide range of types of media interview training for a variety of events and circumstances from handling media crises to pre-launch events for sales and marketing teams. UK number 0845 260 3670
James Irvine
Cotswold Conference Centre
Mentor Consultancy
Hi Lucy
Mentor Consultancy have an excellent reputation for Media Training. We run a handling the media Open Course regularly or we can design a course especially for you incorporating everything you need. If you let me have your details I can email a full proposal and cost to you within one day free of charge. For more see http://www.mentorltd.co.uk Tina Coulsting, Director Mentor Consultancy tina@mentorltd.co.uk
Media Training Courses
I offer a full range of media training: building relationships with the media, coming up with ideas, writing press releases, handling interviews etc.
Take a look at http://www.ptcommunications.co.uk or E-mail me – peter@ptcommunications.co.uk if I can be of any help.
Media Interiew, Presentation Skills and PR Training
I offer all these through my PR consultancy, Suzanne Evans Communications. We’re staffed by broadcast and print journalists with a combined 30 years’ media experience plus 10 years PR experience (CIPR membership), so have the advantage of seeing the media process from the perspective of both journalists and contributors. Download our presentation and media interview training brochure at http://www.suzanne-evans.co.uk or call us on 020 8687 0173.
media specialists
As a trainer you need a very specialised business with a knowledge of media and also be able to give good feedback.I use a small co EDIT2, contact me on adcstraining@hotmail.com if you need info or call 01244 536765