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Asha Pandey

EI Design Pvt Ltd

Chief Learning Strategist

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Microlearning Trends To Adopt In 2019


As microlearning-based training moves to center stage, I outline what is driving its rapid adoption. In this article, I also share microlearning trends in 2019, and how you can leverage them to boost employee performance.

Discovering All About Microlearning Trends In 2019
Microlearning consists of short, bite-sized learning nuggets. Although short in run length (between 2-5 mins and, typically, not exceeding 7 mins), each nugget is action-oriented and is designed to meet a specific learning outcome.

In the last couple of years, microlearning has moved from being a player on the side to center stage and for good reasons.

In a world that is full of distractions and diminishing attention spans, it is critical to have sharp, focused learning nuggets. Only then do you get the learners’ attention, and they invest in completing it. This is precisely what microlearning-based training delivers.

Learners love microlearning-based training as:

  • It is short and focused.
  • It can be taken on the go.
  • It is available in the learners’ workflow and can be accessed at the moment of their need.
  • It is designed for multi-device support and provides control to learners on when and how they want to consume it.
  • It uses high-impact formats (notably, videos) that are engaging and immersive.

L&D teams see value in microlearning on account of:

  • Its ability to engage the learners across profiles, that is today’s multi-generational workforce.
  • Its ability to provide a sticky learning experience.
  • Its high completion rates.
  • Its capability to push acquired learning to the application on the job.
  • Its concept of learning paths or learning journeys that can help learners gain proficiency as well as trigger the required behavioral change.
  • Its innate strength to offset the “forgetting curve” and convert it to the “retention curve” through ongoing reinforcements.

Based on our long experience in developing Microlearning based training, and what we see in the near future, here is my view of microlearning trends in 2019.

Microlearning Trend #1 In 2019
Microlearning will be used for a wider spectrum of corporate training, specifically for:

  • Change management
  • Awareness programs
  • Formal training
  • Just-in-time training (Performance Support Tools or job aids)
  • Informal learning
  • ILT support aids

Microlearning Trend #2 In 2019
Microlearning will leverage mobile learning further—particularly, apps for learning: Building on the wider adoption of mobile learning in organizations, it will be the mode L&D teams would prefer for varied corporate trainings.

It will leverage particularly on formats like mobile apps for learning where a personalized learning path with microlearning nuggets can be offered to learners. This approach can be used to provide both formal training as well as just-in-time learning aids within the learners’ workflow.

Microlearning Trend #3 In 2019
Microlearning will use personalization techniques to offer highly customized and relevant learning to each learner.

Microlearning Trend #4 In 2019
Microlearning will capitalize on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and analytics to offer support and personalized learning paths. Furthermore, its capability to offer recommendations to learners will ensure that they come back for more even after completing the prescribed training.

Microlearning Trend #5 In 2019
Microlearning will continue to use video-based learning as a significant design strategy. However, it will see an increase in the NextGen format, that is, interactive video-based learning.

Microlearning Trend #6 In 2019
Microlearning will be used in formal training in conjunction with successful, engaging, and immersive strategies like:

  • Virtual Reality
  • Gamification
  • Scenario-based learning extended through a master narrative or story-based learning
  • Complex, branching simulations for decision making

Microlearning Trend #7 In 2019
Microlearning will be used extensively in content curation to provide “learning as a continuum”. This will help organizations create a better learning culture and facilitate informal learning.

Microlearning Trend #8 In 2019
Microlearning formats will also help in promoting collaborative or social learning.

Microlearning Trend #9 In 2019
Microlearning will continue to the preferred format to offer just-in-time training (Performance Support Tools or job aids).

Here, most of the established formats will continue. These include the popular and effective ones like:

  • eBooks/Flipbooks
  • Infographics
  • Interactive infographics
  • PDFs
  • Interactive PDFs

Microlearning Trend #10 In 2019
Microlearning will support ILT trainings and VILT trainings by providing online resources:

  • Pre-workshop prep material
  • In-workshop exercises, role plays, simulations and so on
  • Post-workshop handouts

Impact Of Microlearning In 2019
Microlearning-based training is no more a buzz. It is a technique that has transformed the online training format and is here to stay.

NOTE: The usage of microlearning does not mark the demise of macrolearning or what is termed as traditional eLearning format. For instance,

  • This would still find its place in programs that need longer seat time, as breaking them into too many nuggets can create a disruptive learning experience.
  • For certain programs like compliance, several organizations will continue to use the more traditional format.

On the other hand, there would be a rapid adoption in programs like:

  • Induction and onboarding
  • Sales training
  • Leadership training
  • Professional skills training

I hope this article throws light on the possibilities of using microlearning in 2019 as a significant part of your online training delivery or to support your Instructor-Led Training.

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Asha Pandey

Chief Learning Strategist

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