A new report examining what minority groups look for in a job reveals evidence of discrimination when it comes to development, says its publishers.
The report was produced following a major research programme by the Chartered Management Institute, Department for Work & Pensions and Institute for Employment Studies.
It explores where people from diverse groups look for work, what attracts them to a job and to a particular employer. It encourages employers to develop their understanding of job search habits if they are to avoid overlooking the talents of diverse groups when recruiting.
Amongst the findings, the research uncovers evidence of discrimination, say it’s publishers. For example, although 77 per cent accepted their current job because of promised ‘development opportunities’, just 45 per cent believe their employer has developed their skills ‘impressively’ or ‘well’. Ethnic minority groups feel particularly let down, with more Asian (24 per cent) and black (22 per cent) managers reporting ‘inadequate’ or ‘very inadequate’ development than white managers (16 per cent).
Jo Causon, director, marketing and corporate affairs, at the Chartered Management Institute, says: “Despite increasing demands for openness and transparency many of the barriers to achieving greater diversity at a senior management level persist. It should be a key concern for employers because they run the risk of wasting a talent pool that already exists.”
Hülya Hooker, IES Research Fellow and author of the report, said: “This study reveals what is happening in practice in the careers of managers. If organisations want management talent at the top, it’s there, and in an ethnically diverse pool. Recruitment approaches must recognise that managers from different ethnic groups are attracted by different benefits. What this talent has in common, though, is a drive to be challenged, to grow, and to achieve. And if the challenge and opportunity goes, so will they. Organisations therefore need to understand and engage with what really motivates their managers, before and after recruitment – and long before they hear the rustle of the jobs pages.”
The report provides a picture of the different career aspirations of managers from under-represented groups and the barriers that they perceive themselves facing. It also offers practical explanations for employers when recruiting for senior manager roles.
Offering an insight into the favoured job search methods of ethnic minority employees, the study reveals that two thirds of the 1,350 managers surveyed (67 per cent) regularly browse job adverts, with more than half (56 per cent) admitting they are actively seeking new roles. 67 per cent also say they would consider moving if the ‘right offer’ came along and 28 per cent claim they are registered with recruitment consultants.
The report suggests that perceptions of prejudice may be a key factor behind the desire to find new jobs. For example, one in three Asian managers and 20 per cent of black managers indicate ‘racial discrimination as a barrier’ to career progression. This contrasts to just under 10 per cent of those from mixed ethnic background and one per cent of white managers.
The perception is backed up by additional data outlining career ambition and progress amongst under-represented groups. or example, although more black managers want ‘a more senior managerial position’ (63 per cent) than their white counterparts (52 per cent), disappointment with their current role is more acute amongst black (23 per cent) than white managers (13 per cent).
The executive summary can be downloaded from www.managers.org.uk/recruitfordiversity.
The report was produced following a major research programme by the Chartered Management Institute, Department for Work & Pensions and Institute for Employment Studies.
It explores where people from diverse groups look for work, what attracts them to a job and to a particular employer. It encourages employers to develop their understanding of job search habits if they are to avoid overlooking the talents of diverse groups when recruiting.
Amongst the findings, the research uncovers evidence of discrimination, say it's publishers. For example, although 77 per cent accepted their current job because of promised ‘development opportunities’, just 45 per cent believe their employer has developed their skills ‘impressively’ or ‘well’. Ethnic minority groups feel particularly let down, with more Asian (24 per cent) and black (22 per cent) managers reporting ‘inadequate’ or ‘very inadequate’ development than white managers (16 per cent).
Jo Causon, director, marketing and corporate affairs, at the Chartered Management Institute, says: “Despite increasing demands for openness and transparency many of the barriers to achieving greater diversity at a senior management level persist. It should be a key concern for employers because they run the risk of wasting a talent pool that already exists.”
Hülya Hooker, IES Research Fellow and author of the report, said: "This study reveals what is happening in practice in the careers of managers. If organisations want management talent at the top, it's there, and in an ethnically diverse pool. Recruitment approaches must recognise that managers from different ethnic groups are attracted by different benefits. What this talent has in common, though, is a drive to be challenged, to grow, and to achieve. And if the challenge and opportunity goes, so will they. Organisations therefore need to understand and engage with what really motivates their managers, before and after recruitment - and long before they hear the rustle of the jobs pages."
The report provides a picture of the different career aspirations of managers from under-represented groups and the barriers that they perceive themselves facing. It also offers practical explanations for employers when recruiting for senior manager roles.
Offering an insight into the favoured job search methods of ethnic minority employees, the study reveals that two thirds of the 1,350 managers surveyed (67 per cent) regularly browse job adverts, with more than half (56 per cent) admitting they are actively seeking new roles. 67 per cent also say they would consider moving if the ‘right offer’ came along and 28 per cent claim they are registered with recruitment consultants.
The report suggests that perceptions of prejudice may be a key factor behind the desire to find new jobs. For example, one in three Asian managers and 20 per cent of black managers indicate ‘racial discrimination as a barrier’ to career progression. This contrasts to just under 10 per cent of those from mixed ethnic background and one per cent of white managers.
The perception is backed up by additional data outlining career ambition and progress amongst under-represented groups. or example, although more black managers want ‘a more senior managerial position’ (63 per cent) than their white counterparts (52 per cent), disappointment with their current role is more acute amongst black (23 per cent) than white managers (13 per cent).
The executive summary can be downloaded from www.managers.org.uk/recruitfordiversity.