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MoD Training Inspection Starts


The Adult Learning Inspectorate (ALI) is due to begin inspection of Ministry of Defence training this month.

The inspection will include training offered to new recruits and will initially focus on duty of care and welfare issues.

The ALI said it had created a confidential e-mail service on its website for any existing or previous member of the armed forces, or their families, to pass on information about initial training within the army, navy or air force. The e-mail will go directly to the leading inspector who will follow up each complaint or query in confidence.

Nicky Perry, Director of Inspection, said: “The website is an important tool for us. Anyone with an interest in MoD training will be able to access the terms of reference, the memorandum of understanding and the information given to the House of Commons Select Committee.

One Response

  1. surely they will be looking for compliments too?
    I am new to this inspection but one this about the article stands out. It seems to suggest that the ALI review is looking for negative experiences and as such will surely, in itself, be a negative experience. Are they not also looking for good news stories too and won’t that be a chance to pat people on the back?

    Or is good news not what the inspection is about.