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Negotiation Skills


I am putting together a one-day workshop on influencing and negotiation skills. To consolidate the learning I would like to include exercises on negotiation skills. I would be grateful for feedback/advise from anyone who has successfully run exercises in this subject
julie silvers

8 Responses

  1. Try Games

    I found it to be a tricking subject to train, as people either don’t believe that they need the training or let their personalities take over, so the exercise becomes emotional.

    The big book of humourous training games by Doni Tamblyn & Sharyn Weiss has some good games to help get your point across.

    Hope this helps and Good Luck

  2. Who are you training?
    We have trained in this subject area to Police, government agencies and lawyers. It is a specialised and serious topic for those clients so what I have may be unsuitable.

    What are you trying to get them to negotiate as a result of the training? I do have some lighter notes on sales and management but it does depend on your audience and their experiences so far.

    Let me know if we can help.

    TBD Global Ltd
    0870 241 3998

  3. Lose-Lose or Win-Win
    My experience with conventional roleplays to develop negotiation skills that the delegates “invented” the financial consequences of their proposals with the objective of making the other group lose. However, I found by giving both the sellers and buyers a computer-based model over came the problem and (usually) resulted in a win-win result.

  4. It all depends!
    I have considerable experience of training in both negotiating and influencing skills and would be delighted to help if you can provide more details. I would echo comments made elsewhere in response to this posting. What is the outcome for your participants? What should they be able to do at the end of the course? How will they apply their negotiating skills in practice?

    Any exercises provided by readers of this site will be generic, and thus not focused on your participants’ requirements. Far better, surely, to create some exercises designed specifically for your participants? Again, delighted to help, but more details needed!

    Kind regards

    David Cotton
    David Cotton Associates Ltd
    07967 611984

  5. With a definition of your learning outcomes, we can provied a so
    As others have commented, Julie, it all depends on what you are trying to acheive. We write scenarios for different groups from Personal Injury Lawyers to negotiating concessionaries in a major london department store. Even one to negotiate for a long weekend off when the boss wants you to do overtime! I can give you an idea of how these go down with variuos groups if you wish and ideas on how to get the best from the session. Please feel free to contact us if you feel we might help.
    Mac Mackay
    Duncan Alexander & Wilmshurst
    +44 (0) 1295 76 86 06

  6. Negotiation exercises
    I currently run a 1 day workshop on Negotiation skills which include short 10 minute exercises. I then run a full half day Negotiation role-play called Manorborn Hall. If you would like to have a copy of this please let me know, or contact me and I can talk you through the exercise’ over the telephone.
    Many thanks

  7. Don’t use delegates own industry for case studies
    Hi Julie,

    I have been running a range of negotiating skills workshops ranging from 1 day overviews to 10 day modular versions. I have many case study exercises and would be happy to discuss off line about their use/impact, (also if you wanted sources/examples etc). They are each intended to help delegates understand particular aspects of negotiation, (strategy, preparation, issues, options, bidding etc.)
    One thing I have learned in the last 30 years is NOT to design or use case studies that are relevant to (ie based upon)the delegates normal work. This is because they will get sidelined into the detail of their particular technology (retail, manufacturing, supply chain, construction, medical, legal etc.) and will consequently have sub-optimal learning about the process of negotiating. So if I am working with the oil industry, I don’t use oil industry examples, if retail, I don’t use retail examples etc. I explain this to delegates and have yet to have one not understand the reasons. I recognise that they are experts in their industry/profession, but not in negotiation processes. My workshops have had much greater impact since I realised this. If you want to know how I do eventually help them apply the learning to their own situations, with great effect, let me know and I’ll share it.

  8. Buffy
    I am interested in the exercises you mention. May I have your contact details.