Any suggestions pleasse on exercises, materials, reading on the subject of negotiation skills?
Karin Younger
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Any suggestions pleasse on exercises, materials, reading on the subject of negotiation skills?
Karin Younger
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8 Responses
Dividing the kitty is simple AND complex
On any course, collect £10 from every participant at the beginning and make one of their tasks that by the end of the course they have to formulate a way to divide the money unequally and with reference to the contribution of each participant. You will be amazed at just what opportunities it throws up for learning about intra-group negotiation.
Negotiating skills exercises
I work for National Police Training, and have some exercises which you might find useful. We run a negiotiating skills course, and use both police and non police exercises so that the students can practice their skills. If you email me with more information, I can guess which might work for you!
Good luck
negotiation resources
You can get some idea of the scope of materials available by visiting the openmind-learning website, which lists 57 resources on the subject of negotiation. Many of these are available for preview or please call/e-mail me for more information on any title.
Negotiating resources
I find role plays invaluable – especially if you can video record any for play back and analysis (including body language, non-bverbal signals etc). Where this is possible, I find it much the best to get the client to produce some live scenarios – with consultant help to make sure they are realistic, do-able in the time, with opportunities for both sides to do a deal.
But also have a look at my book? – How to Negotiate Better Deals? I included some role play scenarios at the back (under Practice) which work really well.
I have also written a handy booklet – 115 Tips on How To Negotiate Really Good Deals – £4.99 each, which clients find a really good aide memoire after a workshop. Available from our office:
Quantum Enterprise Development (QED)
2 Sidings Court
White Rose Way
S Yorks DN4 5NU
Tel: 01302 761222 – ask for Sue Foster
My mobile if you want to discuss: 07710 394790
Good luck!
Jeremy G Thorn
Chairman, QED
Read Robert Bolton’s "People Skills"
I have found the book “People Skills” by Robert Bolton really useful. Sub-titled “How to assert yourself, listen to others and resolve conflicts”. It’s a bit old now (pub 1979) but I guess still very relevant. Conflicts don’t change much, do they? Published by Simon and Schuster Inc, New York. ISBN 0-671-62248-X
Useful Books
Two of the best books I have found on the subject are by Fry and Ury called Getting to Yes and Getting Past No. They work from the the idea of shared principles and common ground and avoid typical tactics and strategies which turn negotiations into point scoring.
I have written a course handout which is based on this that I am happy to send you.
Course Handout
Hello coudl I trouble you to forward to me the course handout that you have put together on negotiation skills.
Negotiation mind jog