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Steve Robson

Marine Industry

Learning and Development Consultant

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Network Meetings


In response to a recent post on this site I would like to try again to organise quarterly meetings in a central location for anyone interested in sharing ideas about Training. (I'm in London but happy to travel anywhere within UK)

The last one I belonged to worked on a "show and tell" principle where everyone brought something they had learned in the last 3 months to share with others. If you can get 15 people in a room thats a lot of new ideas to improve your training skills...

I'm happy to host the first event (in London) so the only cost would be towards catering but it would be good if others could also offer to host the metings in their own organisations...

Suggestions welcome...


23 Responses

  1. an idea…


    Cracking idea……I can’t reciprocate with a venue since I, like many on TZ am a freelance and I can’t fit that many people into my dining and my Mum (she lives with me and my wife rather than I still live with my Mum, I’m not quite that sad!) and the dog wouldn’t like it!

    How about a webinar/online get together? I know that they aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but they are a way forward and it might introduce some sceptics to the wonderful world of live online learning. They also get around the time off earning/time off/travelling issues and they are greener! 


  2. Oldham

    Hi Russ

    I’ve just been contacted by someone who is organising an event in Oldham and London and I have asked him to post details on here.

    Sorry but I really don’t like Webinars, Webex On Line meetings…I know lots do but not for me…much prefer real people and a nice lunch…


  3. Count me in

    Hi Steve, you can count me in, I attended a similar event to the one you descrobe years ago. I also have access to some excellent meetign rooms juts off the M11 near Cambridge. Rus, I do not think the lack of a venue is a problem as there should be more than enough with venues. The real value is the ideas we bring and the sharing of experiences.

    I also like face to face meetings as a preference and think we could also run some webeex sessions.



  4. Russ’s House

    A this rate we will be able to hold it round Russ’s house…Russ’s mum could make up the numbers 😉

  5. Shirley Gaston

    The only reason I don’t want to get involved is I am already committed to four such events each year run by Shirley Gaston up in Ilkley, Yorkshire. What normally happens is either a morning or afternoon is given to a specialist to cover some item in depth and then the rest of the day is shared amongst the attendees. Works a treat, great personal development and very cheap.

  6. Shirly Gaston

    Thanks Garry

    I’d much rather join an exisrting group rather than start from scratch.

    Does Shirley (or anyone else who runs a group) welcome new members?


  7. Shirley Gaston

    One of her company’s details are as follows:

    This web site states: "She is also the host of the Yorkshire Training Journal on-line network, organising non-profit professional development and networking events for all learning and development professionals in the region. To receive quarterly invitations to the network, please send an e-mail to"

  8. I like the webinar idea

    Hi Rus


    I like the idea of meet-ups and webinars. I think we could do a webinar fairly easily. Would this be something you might be able to help me with?

  9. Meet-ups – still interested?

    Hi Steve

    Would you still be interested in this? I’d be keen to get this off the ground . . .

  10. webinar

    Hi Martin

    If TZ have a Webex (or similar)account I’d be happy to host and manage a networking meeting… would be a great opportunity to get the non UK TZers involved as well as those of us who can devote a couple of hours but don’t want/aren’t able  to give up a whole day and commit to travelling expenses (oooooH I’m tight!)

    I’m doing a series of webinars for a professional institute which are formally counted against CPD requirements so it might be worth TZ seeing if the CIPD (or others) would accept such events as CPD investment evidence…..

    Get in touch via a PM if you’d like to further this


  11. +1

    Hi everyone,

    I’d love to be involved in this if possible. I’m relatively new to training and I’m sure I’d find it stimulating and challenging.

    I too would prefer to turn up to an event in person, but I’m based in the south west and work full-time for someone else so getting time off to travel around would be problematic. So if you do host a webinar I’d try to set time aside to join you.

  12. Great Idea


    I agree with what’s been said with the pros & cons to a face to face or webinars.  I think it would be a great idea either way.

    I’m based in Scotland, just south of Edinburgh & I can’t see my boss letting me go off for the day to attend a face to face but a webinar would make sense.  There would definitely, be value to setting up a group.


  13. CPD

    "I can’t see my boss letting me go off for the day to attend a face to face"

    The benefits of face to face CDP sessions far outweigh the costs…pity your boss can’t see this?

    Put his e mail on here and we will all write to him!

  14. Rubbish I know

    I can’t speak for Paula, but I know that my boss would give me half a day out of the office if it was for my professional development. But a whole day, the majority of which would be spent travelling, would be a hard sell 🙂 

  15. Webinar

    Thanks, Rus. Will send you a message shortly to follow this up. Martin

  16. cost:benefit

    "The benefits of face to face CDP sessions far outweigh the costs…pity your boss can’t see this?"

    But Steve, the costs are variable…..if someone is a fee earning consultant charged out at £1500 per day and based in Scotland and the CPD event is in London that is going to equate to a cost to the employer of c£2000 as opposed to an in house individual paid £260 per diem (c £55,000) who is based in London……

    So even though the benefit may be the same for both people the costs are different



  17. Up North Vs Down South

    "based in Scotland and the CPD event is in London"


    I wasn’t suggesting someone travels from Scotland to London…no reason why there can’t be "up north" and "down south" events…

    Even if someone was earning £1500 a day its highly unlikely they get that every day…and more to the point if you are on £1500 a day you should pay even more attention to CPD and the best CPD in my opinion is mixing with and observing other trainers…

    Some of my best ideas have been stolen from other people!! 😉



  18. “the best CPD in my opinion is mixing with and observing other t

    "the best CPD in my opinion is mixing with and observing other trainers…"

    I think that’s absolutely correct if that is your experience, I enjoy it and get a lot from it. The ‘best’ CPD that I experience overall I think is probably through reading.

    (I am quantifying ‘best’ here using the initial financial and time investment, changes in personal behaviour which result, extended capabilities and the financial return on investment as the metrics.)

  19. Trainers networking in the South West

    Hi  Steve

    I run a quarterly event along these lines in the South West called Trainers Exchange. It’s aimed at trainers, training managers, and anyone else working in L&D, and we get roughly 50/50 training providers and training managers.  The meetings are a full day and are very lively and vibrant, with lots of networking, sharing and learning going on. We aim to help members to:

    • Keep abreast of current best practice
    • Learn and try out new approaches and techniques
    • Share tried & tested tips, techniques and ideas with others
    • Test out new ideas on the group and receive constructive feedback
    • Gain support and make connections with others

    The meetings are open to all, and we welcome new members, so if anyone is interested, details are at  As well as 20-30 minutes slots for members to run sessions/share knowledge, we have two 1 hour workshop sessions too – in September these are on the power of storytelling in training, and on using TA in the training room.

    Anyway, good luck Steve in setting up your group – do feele free to contact me if you’d like to pick my brains!

    Best wishes


  20. Thanks

    Thanks Nicki

    Sounds good. The link doesn’t seem to work but that may be my computer??

    I’m in London now but moving to the South Coast soon so South West might be a bit easier for me so will definetely contact you regarding your meetings.

    Thanks again



  21. Link for Trainers Exchange

    Oops – must have copied the link incorrectly: try going to and clicking on the Events page.

    If you (or anyone else) would like me to add you to the Trainers Exchange mailing list for info about future meetings, let me know by emailing

    Best wishes


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Steve Robson

Learning and Development Consultant

Read more from Steve Robson