I've been asked by a client to design a new 1-day leadership programme for them that is to be for EVERY manager within the business (below board level). BUT....I'm not allowed to use any material that they will have been exposed to before so the traditional models of leadership are out as they've already been covered. So, what's new and exciting? I need ideas I can develop into training, not inspirational quotes please!

4 Responses
Hi F1 Girl
Shooting in the dark as I don’t do this type of training but how about "Creative Leadership"
Maybe it will inspire others to resond anyway!
Good luck
What are the needs?
If I was asked to do this I’d need to know the following before considering design:
Without knowing the reason why and how the benefit will be demonstrated in the workplace there is a danger of creating a ‘nice’ event that managers ‘liked’ but ultimately didn’t add value to the business.
For us, partnership working is our over-riding agenda at present, so we have a range of interventions in design to develop the competencies that fall from that, e.g. establishing trust, benchmarking with external partners, managing non-line managed staff, developing partnership culture etc.
gaze into your crystal ball….
…Hi Sheridan
An interesting conundrum…without knowing exactly what each individual has been exposed to before you cannot guarantee that the material you present is going to be new to them…..
There are many people around who have never heard of Adair or Belbin or Covey or Buzan or Blanchard either because they simply haven’t been exposed to it or they are new to the world of work.
The only solution is to invent something yourself (which I have done before and then been told, totally straightfaced by a critic that they had seen it before!….until I pointed out that I had only written it last week at which point they changed their tune to they "thought" they had seen it before!)
If I were faced with this challenge I’d be incined to go for something that was more experiential than model based….either done on the past experiences of the delegates or actually giving them an experience at the event to base their thinking on.
I hope this helps
How about some discussion on The Romance of Leadership?
Not new, but very rarely acknowledged, is the critical literature which looks at the difference between the rhetoric of leadership and actual practice. Some discussion about what people feel THEY will do as a "leader" might prove very illuminating – because much of what people really do in the day to day is very similar to what they do as managers. You might also get them to reflect about whether there are implications for status in the different titles – and the dangers of it.
Something about leadership as an identity? Get them to THINK, not just accept.
— Karen, fe3 consulting