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Janice Ross

Aldwyck Housing Association

IT Trainer

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New job title


I'm looking for a new job title that reflects better what I do. It used to be simple - IT Trainer and that was it. After a dept restructure I also took on some general training - inductions and management training - and I became Systems Trainer. Yuck! Hate the name! Now I also manage training budget and do a bit less IT training and really need a better job title. My colleague is L&D Advisor and I have an administrator. I work for a housing association. Any ideas welcome!

7 Responses

  1. An idea …

    May well depend a lot on your organisational culture.

    Hopefully you exist to improve business performance, so how about Business Performance Improver"?


  2. Why?

    Dear Janross

    Why do you need a better job title?  Why have any job title at all?  Why not surround yourself with an aura of mystery by having no job title.  Have a business card that just has your name and contact details, then people will actively want to know who you are and what you do rather than just pigeon-holing you according to their own pre-conceptions.  This would allow you to frame your responsibilities according to your perceptions of their needs; to the IT people you can be an IT trainer, to those in need of management support you can be an internal consultant, to those concerned with cost and budgets you can be the person who provides such value for money.  The world may become your oyster!

    Throw off the shackles of narrow corporate banding and embrace a world of flexibility!



  3. ….but does your doubt predestine the outcome?

    …give it a concerted effort, you never know, you may start a trend that breaks away from the tyranny of the job title!

    Good Luck


  4. I like it!

    The last few business cards I have from the current batch simply have my name followed by Professional Services!

    This always raises an eyebrow and has triggered some amusing conversations. With the next lot I’ve opted for my name and contact details only. My job title has changed many times over the last few years from overly specific to so generic as to be meaningless. So while the ‘Job Title’ field in our HR system is mandatory, as far as everyday goes my job title is whatever I happen to be doing for the specific client.

    As a suggestion though, and this was before I read the other posts, how about: Process Performance Facilitator?



  5. Keep it simple

    Whilst I agree with Rus that it would be wonderful not to have a label, I’m not sure it’s practical in the real world.  After all, a label does have a purpose: people do need some idea of who you are and what you do.  Names like “Business Performance Improver” or “Process Performance Facilitator” sound like the kinds of jobs you see lampooned in the Daily Mail.  Bin men are now ‘Hygiene Operatives’ or filing clerks ‘Data Storage Technicians’. They’re inviting ridicule and will nearly always be followed up by “Hmmm, so, what do you do exactly?”.

    Keep it simple – if you are happy with Learning & Development Advisor and you feel it captures (generally) what you do, then go for that.  It’s ‘vague’ enough to allow the flexibility you need to cover any new bits of training you might deliver, but it says what it is on the tin.  
  6. practical schmactical

    I don’t want to get into an argument with Jane, but let’s open it up to a discussion….lot’s of successful freelancers and consultants do lots of different things; eg I design training, I deliver training (face to face and via webinar), I write books, I write articles, I write websites, I provide career counselling, I am a coach, I design assessment centres, I produce e-learning, and I make cakes.

    You couldn’t make a job title that covered all of that so why should someone in a PAYE HR role have to have a job title.  I agree that labels are there to help BUT they also pigeon hole (I’ve really found this to be true when career counselling; eg "I’m an Iron Caulker Rivetter, where am I going to get a job now the shipyard is closing down?".)


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Janice Ross

IT Trainer

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