I am currently looking into a number of introductory NLP courses and would really like to know if anyone can recommend a provider.
I work as an IT Trainer and also have a huge interest in NLP and Life Coaching so am looking to move my career more in that direction. I just need a course that will get me started with NLP so I’m on the right track. If there are any NLP courses that would help with the training I do that would be fantastic as I could approach my employer to get others attending.
Russell Williams
I work as an IT Trainer and also have a huge interest in NLP and Life Coaching so am looking to move my career more in that direction. I just need a course that will get me started with NLP so I'm on the right track. If there are any NLP courses that would help with the training I do that would be fantastic as I could approach my employer to get others attending.
Russell Williams
11 Responses
It all depends
Hi Russell
It depends on what kind of training situation you prefer.
There are courses which run with 200 or 300 delegates, and others with just a couple of dozen.
There are also some courses where everything is upfront and conscious, and others which have a large element of “implicit learning” (which is entirely valid as a training style, but leaves some people wondering what the heck is going on.)
If you’d like to give a little more detail – on or off list – I’d be happy to make a recommendation or two.
BTW, if you want to sell NLP to your employer, you might want to take a look at my book
“Develop Your NLP Skills”, Kogan Page (2006, 3rd edition)
It is a relatively short book (just under 160 pages) specifically designed to help business people decide if this is a subject they want to get involved in. It describes a few selected techniques, including NLP modelling, and shows how they can be applied in the work place.
Best wishes
Andy Bradbury
Hi Russell,
Try the Performance Partnership – Dave Shepherd. His presenting magically course is very good I think for utilising NLP in training. Also his practitioner course is a good fast track.
The market you are looking to enter is huge in terms of the number of people doing it so be sure that you have a brilliant USP!!!
Good luck
Hi Russell,
Try http://www.certainchange.co.uk/
Jackie Roberts
The College of NLP
0161 876 7676
Vanguard House, Merchants Quay, Salford Quays, Manchester M50 3ST
http://www.thecollegeofnlp.com e-mail: jackie@thecollegeofnlp.com
Offer free taster days,one of which I attended and it was excellent
John Seymour
I did my practitioner training with John Seymour Associates of Bristol – they do a London course too. John Seymour himself does much of the delivery – has been in the NLP game in the UK since almost the very beginning, and has a number of books too.
I chose John Seymour primarily because it did the course in 5 x 4day chunks, started with a 2 day intro course which stood alone, and primarily because of the rigour he insists upon in demonstrating capability at each stage of the course.
I also looked at ITS too – and MAY do my master prac training with them just to get a different perspective and experience.
I have no other interest other than being a very happy punter!
NLP Introductory Diploma
Hi Russell,
Inspire 360 run several 1 day events throughot the UK and Ireland. The next one is taking place this Sunday in Birmingham. It’s £25 to attend and includes lunch and refreshments.
There is much more information on the website http://www.inspire360.co.uk and you can book your place online at any time.
Joanne Binks
Choosing an NLP provider
Hi Russell,
As well as running our own introductory courses we also have a free guide to choosing an NLP course. You can find it here: http://www.ablworld.com/CourseGuide.htm.
The guide has been adopted by various bodies such as the BBNLP and the ANLP because it really is unbiased and comprehensive. Have a look at the guide and if you have any further questions please feel free to email (paul@ablworld.com) or call on 0784 101 5167.
Cheers for now
NLP training
I’d advise you be trained by John Grinder, he co-originated the field of NLP and still conducts training in Europe/UK.
What happened to “maps”?
I have to say I’m somewhat surprised by the responses from people who have apparently already been on NLP training courses.
One of the things that first struck me about NLP was the way the co-developers (Bandler and Grinder) emphasised the importance of treating one’s clients as individuals rather that adopting the “one size fits all” mentality that is rampant in most other schools of psychology.
Hence one of the NLP presuppositions: “People do not respond directly to reality but rather to their ‘maps’ of reality.”
Yet here we are with people recommending training primarily – forgive me if I’ve misunderstood – making recommendations based on their own maps with little or no reference to Russell as a unique individual.
Maybe their courses didn’t include an introduction to the NLP presuppositions and their practical application?
Having said that, depending on your personal preferences, Russell, I would endorse the recommendation given in the previous post regarding John Grinder.
He does a lot of training in the UK with the NLPAcademy, in Croydon. They have a practitioner course starting next March. details are available here:
I’d suggest that you get them to send you the relevant bumf, Russell, and see if it looks like it is the kind of course that would suit you. If you want to know more, their staff are always (in my experience) VERY helpful.
Be well
Andy Bradbury
NLP or not NLP>??
I have been watching this thread with interest…
NLP to many is a bit like a religion – where they ‘did’ there training is the best….
Have you also noticed that many NLP’er ‘claim’ to be NLP’ers – how many of them ‘walk the talk’?
To me this is a set of tools – if you need to tell the ‘client’ you are an NLP’er then you have missed the point!!!
It is all about the individual and their needs.
Rather than look at one provider – consider collecting all the information you can from ALL providers – the selecting the ‘module’ you want from each as you see being best for you.
Ignore the certificate – as in the L&D/ OD world it is meaningless (different if you are using NLP for therapy) get the training in each area by the ‘best in class’ that uses a delivery technique appropriate for you!
The sooner the L&D & OD worlds learn to ignore the meaningless certificates the better.
Learn some skills, master them and use them – that will enable you to become much more effective. And be prepared to travel – I found some excellent training (for me) in the Nottingham – another in Glasgow and some in London….
Good fortune on your journey of exploration…
Read the claims, work it out for your self
Hi all
NLP has become a great example of modern pseudoscience:
Thats a video from a university course on distinguishing science from pseudoscience. So don’t learn neurolinguistic programing or scientology. Learn ABOUT them and other pseudoscience.
Its useful to know which traps to avoid.