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Observing trainers



As part of my CTP I will be observing other people training.
I have no experience doing this and no idea how to structure it, and how much to note down!
Does anyone have any tips?
I would also like to say what a great help 'Any answers' is and I hope I will be able to provide some answers/ideas soon!

Many thanks,

e konopka

4 Responses

  1. Have a look at this post
    Hi Emma,

    I am doing something similar as part of a larger project. Have a read of the comments on my post to see other contributors who offered help in this area.

    I guess some sort of checklist prepared in advance is in order, this will save you from the need to make too many notes.


  2. Observing
    Send me an e mail. I will send you our marking/grading sheet covering 13 key coomponents. There is also a self analysis sheet you can have


  3. Observing trainer performance
    Hi Emma

    I have some trainer self-evaluation criteria that could be modified to form a checklist/observer comments format to evaluate trainer performance.

  4. Thanks!
    Hi Jennifer,

    Thanks for your posting. I couldn’t see your email address, but my email address is and I would welcome any ideas!

    Many thanks,