Our existing technical competency reviews are cumbersome. They depend on line managers who are time pressured enough as it is to carry them out, so as you can imagine, not many get carried out at all, and is difficult for me to "police"! I am investigating the viablility of self-assessment at the moment, and was hoping that some of you had experience in rolling this out, or are further down the line with his than I am. What I am after is a system that enables me to record an individual's answers in a central location and from there work out what targeted technical training they require. We are a recruitment organisation with a bespoke database application, so I would need to look at authoring tools as well. We do have a LMS currently, but we are actually in the process of phasing this out for our sales skills area, as it is not meeting our requirements any longer (has anyone else decided to get rid of their e-learning modules at all recently, or is my organisation going backwards??!). I shall stop rambling now. Thank you in advance for any guidance you can give me.
Beth Evans

3 Responses
Online Competency Reviews
Our company is in the process of creating an online solution ourselves. We have found that the solutions that are out there are far too complicated to use and too expensive. What our system will be able to do is list the competencies for each position and match them against the employee. From there you can identify the gaps. It will also list the training courses/opportunities that will fullfill their needed competencies. It also works well for succession planning. Employees will be able to match their competencies against any position in the company. (This will be created via an Access Database) — Good luck!
Understanding Competency
Hi Beth
I work for a company that specialises in Skills Management and you may be interested in attending our annual event to help gain some ideas in answer to your question. I have included some details of this below.
If you cannot attend please feel free to look at our website and case studies or contact me directly.
I hope this is of help, Emma.
This year’s InfoBasis Summit is on the subject of understanding competency across the organisation, and aims to show how an understanding of people’s talents is essential to core HR processes. Indeed, through truly understanding competencies we believe it is possible to link together these core processes to form an overarching process – Total Capability Management. The idea is to produce a joined-up approach to personnel management, in a way that allows a clear view of the strategic importance of human resources, and their best use.
The conference features speakers from IBM, PA Consulting and Transport for London, with the keynote delivered by Prof William Scott-Jackson of the Centre for Applied HR Research.
The summit takes place in London on 19th September, finishes with an early drinks reception at 4pm, and is free. To find out more, see the attached agenda, or visit http://www.infobasis.com/annualevent.htm.
HR System
Check with your HR software supplier many systems now have this facility in their latest versions and you may already have this facility and just need an update to the system.