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Open learning centre (OLC)?


We have a fully equipped OLC with PCs, video and resources available to expand our collection of CD Roms, books and videos. We are having problems attracting people to use the facilities. Does anyone have any ideas how best to promote an OLC?
claire glover

7 Responses

  1. A challenge
    I had the same problem in my previous company. Some of the approaches we tried were:
    using specific courses for pre-course/post-course work and refresher training; identifying specific programmes to match training needs identified thought the appraisal; using the material as part of a coaching session (1:1 and in groups of up to 4); induction. I found that if someone had used it once they were more likely to go again.
    Good luck. Jenny

  2. Marketing an Open Learning Centre
    We help many organisations to set up (and sometimes relaunch) LRCs and we always focus on the importance of internal marketing, particularly as my own background is in marketing (I also run courses on the subject).

    You can find more information about us on our website or please phone me on 01491 411061 for ideas on what some of our clients have done.(I’m afraid I’m out of the office until Friday though)

    Alun Harvey

  3. Open Learning Centre

    We also had a similar problem in a former company and I did some research with company’s who had managed to make a success of their LRC. As Alun Harvey mentioned marketing is one of the key factors: promoting the LRC in an internal newsletter, posters, holding demonstrations etc. The other factors that came out were: location of the LRC, help provided to people when they visited the LRC – this can make the difference as to whether they decide to come back! Evaluation feedback of the resources held in the LRC to ensure they are appropriate and current. Please give me a call if you want any further info on 01491 417622.

  4. Ideas to attract to OLC
    I attended a conference where these issues were highlighted. Some of the suggestions were to invite one of the statutory agencies or other familiar body to hold a work shop/open morning in the learning centre, so that people have a reason (other than learning) to be there. This appeared to help people to ‘feel’ comfortable in the building. Then do the cup o’tea and chat. Advertise this in Mother & toddler groups, play groups, super market notice boards, churches & etc. Anywhere that people meet in the community really. Good Luck.

  5. Selling Open Learning Centres

    Many organisations find this the most frustrating thing about OLCs. I have a few ideas/suggestions that I can email you if you like. Many are similar to the replies you have already received, but there are a few other thoughts. I can be contacted at

    Marc Carpenter

  6. Marketing Open Learning facilities
    Claire if you will contact me and give ma a postal address I could send you quite a bit of information on marketing OL Learning Centres in particular as it has been my specialism for over 12 years. I don’t have the time or finger energy to type all the information here, nor is there room – my phone no. is 01732 355438 and you have the email. Julie Dorrell

  7. Marketing an OLC
    Hi Claire

    I see you have had plenty of offers of help already. If you would like another please e-mail me at

    I work as an e learning consultant but my experience is based on e learning practices within Lloyds TSB where Cyber Cafes and learning systems were established and marketed successfully

    You need to approach the issue from both ends with senior manager buyin and addressing the users what’s in it for us mentality.
