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Pan European Induction Video – Any Ideas??


I am currently looking at producing a video for use during the Induction programme of our company, however; we operate across the globe and need to ensure that even though most of our employees speak english, that limited english skills do not prove a barrier to their learning.
One of our directors seems to think that the Deaf Society may have produced something similar (not using sign language either) for other companies.
Any help, suggestions or or offers to share video, material outline or even just comments would be greatfully recieved.
Lynnette Cowburn

3 Responses

  1. A few suggestions
    Hello Lynnette

    We have a number of possible solutions to this challenge, if you do have time to call me on 01794 523301 I can put you through to a colleague of mine who could explain different ways of presenting the video.



  2. Running successful inductions
    Hi, Lynnette

    To maximise your success, I would ensure that you provide an interactive element to the video. So set activities for the new starters to do, which help them to understand what the video is saying.

    For example, you might get the group to analyse the information provided and discuss how they would use it in their jobs to help customers or to help each other. That way, those in the group who understand the information can help those who have less of a grasp of the language.

    I would also use plenty of pictures, put figures on the screen if you are talking through them and also provide a written guide for the key points.

    Let me know if you would like any further information about these approaches to induction or if you would like me to email my article “The Benefits of Staff Induction”. My address is

    all the best

    Bill Esterson

  3. e-learning induction with an audio and non-audio option
    Hi Lynnette,
    A bespoke e-learning induction programme with the option of audio and non-audio versions could be an answer. If you want to see examples of such programmes or more info please feel free to contact me,