I’m going to be running a session on Quality and I’m looking for a participative activity for 10-12 people that will introduce the elements of:
personal responsibility for quality
importance of effective communication with customers
the concept of continuous improvement.
Maximum time I have for this session is 1 hour.
Hope that you guys can help.
Paul Brookes
I'm going to be running a session on Quality and I'm looking for a participative activity for 10-12 people that will introduce the elements of:
personal responsibility for quality
importance of effective communication with customers
the concept of continuous improvement.
Maximum time I have for this session is 1 hour.
Hope that you guys can help.
Paul Brookes
2 Responses
1 hour quality session
I have just received a glowing report from a colleague in Italy who gave an interactive session on quality to an audience of would be risk managers and quality assurance professionals at a local university.
The session is all there including his notes on how he decided to use the materials I sent him. He ran the session for one hour.
If you want the resources and his lesson plan please contact me on:
Becoming the Best
Hi Paul
Whilst a quality practitioner at abbey National, I ran successful sessions centred around a video (15 min) /book pack called “Becoming the Best” by Gower.
Looking at your requirements it’s an ideal match!
• the ‘next-in-line’ concept: every individual, every department, must think of their ‘next-in-line’ and provide them with quality service
• how to use your people’s knowledge and experience by encouraging them to become part of the solution
• the nature and the impact of TQM
• how to initiate and maintain a culture of continuous improvement.
Quoted as:
“An award-winning training film, based on a best-selling book, designed to bring about a profound change of attitude in your organization and launch your company on the road to achieving total quality.
1990 VHS Video 15 minutes plus reprise 0 347 60025 5 £150″
David Weeks