A colleague has asked for some advice on the availability of performance management feedback models such as BROFF (Behaviour, Reason, Outcome, Feelings, Future actions); and PEAR (Praise, Examples, Ask, and Reinforce); and CEDAR (Context, Examples, Diagnose, Ask and Review). I'd apprecaite it if you would share any of your favourite performance management feedback models.
Norrie Silvestro

6 Responses
the one I most commonly use is BOOST –
Keep it neutral, don’t make judgements or rely on subjective impressions· Give descriptive accounts of both positive and unhelpful behaviour
use ‘I’ statements. Eg ‘When you did X, I experienced Y, that made me feel Z’·Use feedback to inform, not advise
Focus on what you see not what you believe · Rely on facts not supposition and heresay· Do not attribute motive / intention
Focus on behaviour not personality – what they said or did· Examples and impacts of behaviour are more useful than labels· Keep it simple
Timely and two way·
Take a close interest· Make opportunity for discussion
STAR performers or not
A wealth of acronyms….
Personally I use the STAR/AR model the most as it provides an excellent and simple framework for giving specific feedback.
ST – situation or task (what the person was doing, or should have been doing)
A – action (what they did)
R – result (the outcome)
If the feedback is confirmatory, then a STAR on it’s own will do. If the feedback is meant to correct behaviours or actions that created the wrong results, then it is important to discuss and develop an AA/ AR which stand for Alternative Action and Alternative Result. Then the person has a chance to apply the learning to future situations.
I have never used the ones you mention so cannot advise.
I use the AID framework.
A – Action (What the person did) I noticed you have been arriving late for work recently
I – Impact (The impact of that action)The impact this has on the rest of the team is that they now feel as though they are able to arrive late also
D – Do (what you would like that person to do now)What I would like you to do this next quarter is to try and arrive at work on time.
AID can be used for both developmental and motivational.
Keep it simple
I’ve been using one very similar to Emma’s suggestion.
S – Situation (context “remember that report you gave me yesterday)
B – Behaviour (specific actions “you didn’t write an executive summary”
I – Impact (+ve or -ve “the client didn’t bother to read it” or “it made the client look at the data properly”
This would be followed by a coaching or reinforcing discussion.
Performance Management Feedback Models: Suggestions?
Hi Anna,
Hi Anna,
This is great and well done on CEDAR. Happy to credit you if we go with that model. I am introducing feedback into the NGO I am working with currently and we will be launching the feedback training on Monday. I was wondering if there were any good video clips to grab the attention that show the value of good feedback. I was thinking things like Blackadder etc (which I will now look up!).
Are there other resources you could point us to? I.e. exercises, other media etc?
Thanks very much in advance.