I need some fairly indepth information relating to Performance Related Pay. Reasons why a company would chose PRP, advantages and disadvantages, case studies and views from the employees themselves would be very helpful.
Jane Cary

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I need some fairly indepth information relating to Performance Related Pay. Reasons why a company would chose PRP, advantages and disadvantages, case studies and views from the employees themselves would be very helpful.
Jane Cary
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One Response
Try Marsden & Richardson (1994) ‘Perfromimg for Pay? – The Effects of Merit Pay on Motivation in a Public Service’ British Journal of Industrial Relations (merit pay reduced employees’ belief in fairness of appraisal system), ‘Seven Steps to Successful Performance Based Rewards’ in HR Focus Sept 1999, and Coens & Jenkins (2000) ‘Abolishing Performance Appraisals’ (Berrett Koehler, San Francisco) – happy to chat 020 8878 6422 – Iain Thomson