I work in a large logisitics firm and doing a lot of work with the management teams. The majority of which have been with the firm a number of years and come through the ranks. I want to do some effective development work with them that is meaningful to them and not something that they see as 'typical HR/Training'. I'm trying to stay away from doing a SWOT as that appears to have already paled a couple of people. I am going to do some 360 work with them but does anyone have any other ideas they could throw in my direction to give me a starter...
joanne lever

3 Responses
try web 2.0 techniques
I have found that introducing web 2.0 techniques to be different and interesting. Try setting up a social network group, there are a number available, also using team working software such as Huddle or Socius. In all of these you can introduce learning activities to great advantage. I also encourage the bookmarking of interesting articles and sharing the bookmarks. Although you might need to seed the techniques with interesting article etc you will soon find that it gets taken out of your hands and very interesting work is done that is specific to their needs.Contact me if you need ideas/help
Gaining Commitment
A 360 feedback programme can be very successful, but can go wrong too. It sounds like you have some cynicism in the group so it’s worth spending the time to make sure what you do makes a positive impact.
If there is ‘typical HR nonsense’ sentiment around then make sure you have commitment to something like a 360 before you start. Try pulling together an Action Learning Group of key influential managers to work together on what the self development plan should be. If you agree on a 360 they can also agree on what the question set should focus on rather than choosing something generic. That way you’ll have buy in and no accusations of ‘pesky HR’.
We’ve worked with a lot of organisations through this stage and the most successful outcomes occur when people feel that they’re developing themselves as a professional team rather than to keep HR happy!
Dynamic Leadership option
Hi Joanne
I’ve come across an amazing organisation called Conscious Company who are delivering a Dynamic Laedership event in June,particularly focussed on personal development within the business setting, may this help with your management team?
You can contact them at: debs@thejourney.com