I am currently updating the post course evaluation forms that we send out 2 months after a training event. They are designed to see how learning has been transferred into the workplace. Is anyone willing to share their forms with me? Thank you and Happy Christmas!!
Lisa Hodge

12 Responses
And me!
Ooh I’d quite like to have a look at these too! Lisa, are you willing to share if you get any?
Free to download
Hi Lisa
Please feel free to download a copy of our evaluation report that has been very effective. You can find it at http://www.trainerbase.co.uk in the Downloads page, under the Administration/Management of Training section. I think there is some other stuff there that may be of use. You will need to be a member of the site to do so.
Hope this helps.
Founder and Editor
Greetings, Lisa –
I prefer to have evaluations completed at the end of the session when everything is fresh on their minds. I also have participants complete an action plan from which I compile an “key points review” which is sent one week later to all participants and their managers. The action plan is a two-part form. The participants keep one part and, after compiling the follow-up piece, the second copy is sent to the participant’s direct supervisor for accountability. E-mail me to request a copy of both at jconnor330@comcast.net.
Evaluation form design is best kept simple but with questions t
Hi Lisa
Keep it short and simple but ensur you get the information that is going to be useful to you by asking open questions rather than asking for points out of ten. Make sure you include questions like What was most useful about the training? What was least useful? What could be done to improve the training? I also include a general Any other comments? box at the end and its amazing how much useful stuff appears there. Happy New Year and Good Luck from Tina at Mentor Consultancy http://www.mentorltd.co.uk
another resource
Also check out http://www.businessballs.com as this is a fantastic site for all sorts of things including evaluation forms.
Post Course Evaluation
We use post course evaluations at course end and also an employer evaluation form which goes out 2 months after a substantive course. If you would like me to email a copy to you then contact me jill.cooper@northlindsey.ac.uk
Evaluation Toolkit
Email me and request my Evaluation Toolkit.
Details please
I would really value a copy of the forms you receive, a colleague has lost some forms when their system went down and he is really hoping not to have to re-invent the wheel with all of the evaluation forms! Please e-mail me at info@marktomwatkins.com
Many thanks
Thesis based on evaluator questionaire
The evaluator is a key element to translate in “Real value perception” the “investment” done in training by the firms (and training managers).
During 2005, I am going to elaborate my thesis based on a model to learn and train “how to be more innovative” (please, ask for my model co-innovation 5x5x5x5 if it is of your interest. And the post evaluator will be a key tool.
Please send me a copy and I will share my business experience as controller and in charge of business planning in several organizations during the last 10 years (i.e. Deutsche Bank Spain)
Jordi Torras
The biomanager training partner
Thank you
Thank you all for your kind assistance. It really has helped. David Cleave – I am happy to share the info, but I need your email address. Please contact me direct at lisa.hodge@esht.nhs.uk and I will pass on the info.
Again, thank you all for your help.
Jordi what is your address?
Happy New Year
Whilst I found the posts interesting and/or offering help the one that really attracted me was Jordi’s mention of a model concerning innovation.
Unfortunately Jordi you didn’t include any e-mail address.
evaluation kit
i would appreciate much if you could send us your evaluation kit
best regards