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Practical tasks for delegation training day?


Hoping someone might have something that I could use on a one day session looking at delegating. I want one or two interactive tasks that highlight the skills and principles of delegating. I've never seen anything myslef so thought I'd drop a question in. Appreciate it if any one has a task or idea.

Many thanks
Gary Robert Hosey

3 Responses

  1. delegation
    why not have an icebreaker that requires delegates to delegate (!) their personal introduction to their next door neighbour. Why not then ask delegates to select a task they’re experienced at and ask them to instruct a course colleague to do it. IDEAL is quite a good mnemonic – Intro the task, develop understanding, exercise them by doing it, authorise them to do the task when they’re capable, let go. This is OK for tasks new to the other person. Other issues arise where you want to delegate a task to someone who knows how to do it but hasn’t done it for a while.

    If you want any more ideas E-Mail me – as I specialise in training session ideas and materials creation.


  2. The art of delegation
    We always start with a communication workshop as all good (and bad) delegation starts with communication of a requirement. All delegates are provided with a required outcome related to the sort of business they are in and relevant to their job role. They they have to delegate to their team one or two of the component parts of the task. All tasks are (must be) achievable in around 3/4 hour for this to work and needs a group of four or more excluding the delegator. All of the team then have to complete the task on the delegated instructions and provide feedback to the delegator as to what they thought the task was, level of importance etc. The feedback has to include specifics on the tome of voice used, the language etc.

    Apart from being a great icebreaker it also provides some entertainment as most delegated tasks omit a vital part of the instruction.

    We have used this with junior and very senior managers, videoed evidence and provided professional feedback for qualifications in management and all groups have enjoyed it and focussed on improvement of the ‘softskills@ afterwards, so here’s hoping it works for you too.

    Training By Design Global Ltd

  3. Robot Controller
    Try Robot Controler Exercise whereby in pairs – one person takes on the role of either robot or Controller – (Controllers need a 1 minute pre-briefing to get their creative juices flowing)
    the Robots must do exactly what the controllers tell them (shouting, Running Jumping, silly tasks in the room; take off socks etc!)
    Robots must do exactly what they are told to do.
    After 2 minutes then swap roles (This is a surprise) and see how the robots act – ususally the tasks get nastier…or more creative)
    Discuss ways in which people give and recewive messages and task information and from that – you can steer debate to your delegation process – IDEAL Guidelines etc..from previous contributor.
    Debate –
    How did the Robots feel when not given motivation or full information
    How did Controllers feel to have complete comtrol – how did they use and abuse their power levels etc.