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Presentation skills course



I am designing a one day presentation skills course for six people and would like help and advise with regard to content .
Can anyone help?


Dave Pope

9 Responses

  1. Presentation Skills Course
    I run such a course every now and then . The students are asked to come with an idea for a presentation on any subject they choose. They then present to the group for 2 minutes after which I ask them, then the group and finally myself to comment on the presentation. Later I get them to prepare and deliver a 10 to 15 minute presentation with a similar debrief. Between times I discuss such subjects as tone, voice,dress,format,content and answer their queries. If you e-mail me at I will send you my trainers guide.

  2. Delegate needs
    Hi Dave,
    I agree with previous comments and also use “mini” presentations as well as a longer one near the end of the day. As an ice breaker at the start of the day I usually give each delegate an envelope with an article inside (safety pin, battery etc)that they have to describe. The others remain silent and the speaker stops when they feel they have said enough. We then check to see who got most right. The review covers the need to watch the audience, “keep it simple” and put topics into context. During the sessions I cover delivery and structure of presentations focusing on the needs of the delegates (some need to learn the importance of leaving out some less important information whilst others need help to manage their nerves and deliver in a more natural way). Videoing is also good with feedback from you and other delegates.
    Hope that helps-feel free to email me if you want further info.
    Good luck

  3. Presentation work
    Hi Dave,
    I’m happy to share my PP Presentation workshop, with hand-outs, trainer notes, please email me at
    Please supply your fax number as I’ll have to fax over the trainer notes as they are hand written.

    many thanks

  4. Take a look at “Kissing the Blarney Stone”
    Gerry Beamish, Beamish Associates, in Belfast has a great program, “Kissing the Blarney Stone.” It includes audio tapes and excellent presenter and learner resources. Take a look at the MMHA web site, for a description.
    good luck,

  5. Video the session to provide feedback
    Hi Dave,

    On the best presentation skills course I ever attended the presenter brought his video camera and recorded our 5 minutes presentations and played them back for feedback on style / body language etc.

    It was excellent !

  6. Presentation Skills Course
    Only one day! Maybe you should send them some tips before hand and as mentioned previously request them to prepare a 2 minute presentation. Remember the session is about communication – which includes talking and listening (both verbal and the non-verbal signals from your audience). Make it fun. I (or the other delegates) always try to video the presentations – this does tend to highlight our mannerisms (and how many times is the word ‘Umm’ or ‘OK’ uttered)

  7. Top Tips for PP Presentation
    I’d be happy to send you my PP delegate handout and presentation on effective tips for using Powerpoint as a presentation tool.

  8. presentation skills material
    HI Dave
    Have you checked out where you can access free downloads from numerous trainers – you may be able to find something suitable for your course there
    Wishing you success with your course