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Presentation Skills …Ideas needed


I am delivering a 2 day presentation skills workshop and would like to start the day with a few examples (maybe from YouTube) of what a good presentation looks like along with an example of a bad one… Any suggestions?

Thanks so much,

9 Responses

  1. Presentation

    Hi Sarah

    At the start of a Presentation Skills course I would do much the same as Train the Trainer where everyone does 4 or 5 minute micro session.

    Videos could be used later when some of the good practice has been taught as they would then be looking for particular behaviours rather than just randomly saying "good" or "bad"…half way through the course they should know why!

    Al Gores Inconvenient Truth is my favourite example of good practice…you could also use Election Coverage that is always pretty clear and professional…Sure Youtube has some Sky or BBC extracts from the last one?


    Good luck



  2. get the delegates to do the work!

    I have asked the delegates in the past to brainstorm their worst experiences of being on the receiving end of presentations (what made the presentation bad?)…….this generates a list of "bad practice"….then reverse it and ask them to give the analysis of what were the best presentation things they have experienced (What made the presentation good?).

    The great thing about doing this is that they reflect upon their own experience which will undoubtedly be wider than just watching one particualr example of good or bad practice….You will get a wide range of consideration from ‘boring topic’ to ‘lovely voice to listen to’, from ‘passionate’ to ‘uncomfortable seats’, from ‘great visuals’ to ‘annoying habits’ and from ‘lousy PA system’ to ‘really thought provoking’ 

    It also gets them active and doing rather than passive and sitting.  Plus they can actually "present" their brainstorms, so they can practice….one group I worked with did exactly that; one guy delivered their "Worst Practices" outcome in a dull monotone, looking at the flipchart, with his back to the audience, just reading the words there with no additional material! Whalst his team mates did pointless pointing at the words on the board, delivered the tea and stacked spare chairs as he delivered!  Priceless!


  3. Tony Blair


    Try searching Tony Blair on you Tube.  You may not like what he does or what he says but in actual fact he is not a natural presenter and has been taught to use a number of techniques to get his message across – especially at Labour Party Conferences from around 1996/7.  What I like about using him is that you can illustrate the techniques such as speaking in three’s and use of pace, pitch and alliteration to build the message.

    I agree wholeheartedly with the reference to Sir Ken Robinson on TED.  Indeed, the TED series has a number of very good presentations but @ 20 minutes each might be a bit long for your workshop.

    Do let us know what you end up using and how it goes.

  4. interestingly Tony Blair’s…..

    ….style really winds







    me up because



    he doesn’t




    always pause in




    logical places but





    often breaks things




    up in a





    rather odd








    Which I have also noticed lots of other TV people start doing over the past couple of years….





    or is it







    just me being








  5. Thank-you!!!

    Thank- you all so much for taking the time to respond to my question. Adam the David Brent one is genus idea. And Jennifer Steve Jobs is always a benchmark of what good looks like.

    Rus really liked your idea of getting them to do the work and presenting back to me I loved how the group you did this with delivered it back in the style of good and bad.
    By the way Rus your Tony Blair impression is scarily accurate!
    I’ll let you all know how it goes..thanks again!
  6. Agree with Russ

    I completely agree with Russ – Tony Blair’s style is irritating because he takes inappropriate pauses for effect but in the wrong places. I always cringed when he spoke. He also tended to point a lot which is definite no-no if you want people on your side.


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