I have a vague memory of being involved in a problem-solving exercise where we were asked to imagine we were the crew of the Starship Enterprise and to think how they might solve the problem. It helped us all think outside the constraints of working for a govt department. We then looked at the solutions and then were asked to look at how we within the Dept could come up with solutions. the first exercise as Starship crew really helped us and we came up with some innovative ideas (unlikely if we had stuck to the usual way of problem solving). I'm wanting to use this (or a similar) exercise for a problem solving event. My question is I can't remember some of the more detailed aspects of the event. Has anyone facilitated a similar event and can you give me any guidance/tips on how to make is run effectively?
Linda George

2 Responses
Try – What if?
There are a number of exercises that get people to move outside the contraints that they normally impose on themselves. Star Trek is just such an example. I use and would recommend ‘What if?’ or ‘Pass the Parcel’ for overcoming assumptions and getting people to think of bizarre solutions first. I think it helps if you use an external facilitator as it seems it is easier for them to get people to try new approaches. More details on my website.
Starship Enterprise
Bournemouth University uses characters from Star Trek The Next Generation to illustrate Belbin’s theory of team roles. It can be found at http://www.bournemouth.ac.uk/study_support/working_in_groups.html This may be what you remember doing.