We are due to renew our professional indemnity insurance, copyright infringement, product liability insurance, (which a couple of our major customers require us to have), but I am concerned that our current insurance is not really geared to the traing industry, and we are probably paying for things we don’t need. Can anyone recommend a supplier of professional indemnity insurance suitable to training companies?
Rod Webb
Rod Webb
5 Responses
Professional Indemnity
The CIPD has an individual scheme thru SMG in Leeds which costs about UK£70 for UK£1million and about £80 for £2m. Worth ringing re corporate policy
Smithson Mason Group
SMG House
31 Clarendon Road
Leeds LS2 9PA
Tel: 0113 294 4000
Fax: 0113 294 4101
Also have a look at…
Have a look at some other suggestions from a recent question on the same topic
You may also find some previous debate by using the search box in the top right of this page.
Also, good to hear from you again!
PI insurance needs to be from a good Co
Our broker is Dickson Manchester 0207 702 4700. Very comprehensive cover placed at Lloyds.
I believe ITOL (Institute for Training & Occupational Learning) has arranged a discounted rate for members.
Contact Jeffrey Brooks at ITOL for details
0161 483 4577
Indemnity Insurance
We use Marsh who have a policy specifically for “Consultancy and Training Providers and their Practices”. Premiums have increased by a non-negotiable 15% this year but they do offer comprehensive protection up to £1 million.
Suggest you call:
Zoe Panetta
Marsh UK Ltd.
39 Kings Hill Ave
Kings Hill
West Malling
Kent ME19 4ER
Tel: 01732 877527