Promethean’s stand at the show is a real winner. The friendly staff provide free pandas with every demonstration. Why pandas? PandA is the name of the company that have created this fascinating software which allows you to work directly on the whiteboard as if it were the computer screen at the desk. It has presentation, annotation and mutli-media resource management features.
There are many benefits to the package, ably demonstrated by Ian Callow, who looks as though he probably spends his weekends playing Doom with his other pale friends. But seriously the product could be a boon to trainers and consultants who are in a position to deliver training in established training suites where the board can be permanently mounted. Stands are also available although transportation could become a problem if you have anything less than a big estate car. Public transport users will have to wait a while for a portable variety.
The technicalities escape me but basically the software delivers the tools to the whiteboard and the rest is up to you and I. Key features of this stand include :-
- a cut price show offer of £1795 for 60ins whiteboard, batteryless pen and software.
- pleasant director’s chairs from which to watch the demoonstrations
- a chance to have a go yourself
Less good news for MAC users – its not compatible!
For more information contact Promethean direct on 01254 676921 or email:
Promethean's stand at the show is a real winner. The friendly staff provide free pandas with every demonstration. Why pandas? PandA is the name of the company that have created this fascinating software which allows you to work directly on the whiteboard as if it were the computer screen at the desk. It has presentation, annotation and mutli-media resource management features.There are many benefits to the package, ably demonstrated by Ian Callow, who looks as though he probably spends his weekends playing Doom with his other pale friends. But seriously the product could be a boon to trainers and consultants who are in a position to deliver training in established training suites where the board can be permanently mounted. Stands are also available although transportation could become a problem if you have anything less than a big estate car. Public transport users will have to wait a while for a portable variety.
The technicalities escape me but basically the software delivers the tools to the whiteboard and the rest is up to you and I. Key features of this stand include :-
- a cut price show offer of £1795 for 60ins whiteboard, batteryless pen and software.
- pleasant director's chairs from which to watch the demoonstrations
- a chance to have a go yourself
Less good news for MAC users - its not compatible!
For more information contact Promethean direct on 01254 676921 or email: