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psycholgocial test for team roles


I run training on creativity and innovation. Do you know of a good short questionnaire or other tool which can be used to assess an individual's key strengths in a team role? I would rather not do a full Belbin survey. I would prefer a good short self-assessment.
Paul Sloane

2 Responses

  1. Psychometrics for Teams
    I can suggest a number of alternatives from assessment publishers ASE. The Team Selection Inventory is good to identify a persons climate preferences in a team. Alternatively, The Type Dynamics Indicator also published by ASE can provide reporting to look at an individuals strengths within a team.

  2. innovation or team inventory??
    Hi Paul
    If it is general and interpersonal team ‘roles’ you are looking for what about the SDI ( it is an excellent tool in this arena.

    Other options include a MBTI type instrument.

    If you are looking for team roles within the process of innovation and creativity have a look at the creatrix
    I have used this to encourace both an innovative culture and to develop team roles.

    In the book “the innovation equation” by the developer of the Creatrix includes a simple pen & paper inventory
