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Psychological contracts – worth the paper they’re not written on?


I'm writing an assignment for my CIPD Managing People studies on how my organisation (private sector, 13,000 employees nationwide) promotes a psychological contract.

I've got some internal research to use, but I'd be interested to receive details from colleagues in other, similarly-sized organisations on how their firms measure staff's feelings on this subject and what you see as the biggest issues currently affecting the bond between organisation and workforce.

All thoughts gratefully received - thanks!
Phil Deer

2 Responses

  1. Pschological contracts
    Not quite a direct answer to your question but there is some useful stuff by David Guest on the CIPD web site.

  2. Is the PS written, anyway?
    Looking at the implicit values in the brand is an interesting way to consider how organisations promote a PC….but difficult to measure because a) it shifts – especially after joining an organisation and b) if it’s implicit, (as in psychological) how can it be measured – expect perhaps by outcomes or proxy measures? Perhaps one of the reasons why organisations don’t measure it – it falls into the too difficult pile, and perhaps, given it’s slippery nature, there are more productive and less ephemeral things to measure….

    However, I’ve just completed my MSc on the nature of brand values and commitment which touched on the PC and I can happily give you relevant chunks of my bibliography, if you would find it useful.

    I agree with Graham about David Guest and also suggest Neil Conway who’s published extensively on the issues with looking at the PC.