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Questioning Techniques for Sales & Marketing


I want to run a session on questioning techniques relating to sales & marketing. Does anyone know of good books or resources that will help with types of questions, questioning techniques and question pathways?

Many thanks
Des Nolan

5 Responses

  1. Try Neil Rackham’s SPIN
    The technique I find that works for consultative/relationship selling is Neil Rackham’s SPIN Technique. SPIN is a mnemonic (its not about SPINning a yarn so don’t be put off by any negative connotations of the word SPIN)

    There are several books including a Field Workbook and a good video by Video Arts in support.

  2. Training techniques
    Have you thought of using actors to role play to deal with various questioning techniques? This is a very safe and fun way of helping to do a session relating to Sales and Marketing. It also gives your team constructive feedback from the actors afterwards.

    If you would like more information please contact me on React-Acting for Business
    (01727) 858508

  3. try chartered institute of marketing
    Have you tried contacting the Chartered Institute of Marketing? I am a cim student and find the cim website very useful, it has a book purchasing section.

  4. Try the ISMM
    As well as CIM you may want to try the Institute of Sales & Marketing Management on 01727 812500 or

    I am happy to discuss this with you but essentially would recommend promoting the fact that it is a two-way conversation designed to build a relationship not an interview or inquisition. Understanding the difference between open and closed questions plus the broader nature of relationship building and interpersonal communication are key.

    I have some articles which I have published which may be helpful – please get in touch on 0870 733 3313 or via and I will email them to you.