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Realistic Alternative to Insights and Structogram


I am mentoring an amazing black african lady in South Africa. Her personal story starts from her being a street child to today being an international motivational speaker and owner of a non-profit organisation providing care for childen in South Africa.

She was given an opportunity to undertake practitioner training with a Swiss training product similiar to Insights called Structogram. However to practice she would need to purchase a licence at £10,000. When this sum is converted into Rands it is a small fortune well beyond the reach of most ordinary South Africans.

I would like to help her develop an alternative training programme that has relevance and can be translated into Xhosa and other native South African languages.

Can those of you who have knowledge of Insights and Structogram training programmes suggest similiar alternative and affordable training programmes. In particular free or affordable profiling solutions that give trainees an insight into how they and others behave in their work environments.

Norman Brook

One Response

  1. Cultural Transformation Tools?
    I would like to point you in the direction of the Barrett Values Centre ( I did a workshop with them last year and can not only recommend the tools I learnt, but also the generous ethos of the company.

    I know they work all over the world helping individuals, organisations, and societies to understand values and how they are the drivers of our behaviour. (I notice they have three meetings in South Africa this month).

    I’m not sure of the pricing but it may well be worth speaking to them.

    Nicola Smith
    Oddball Training