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Recap Exercises


I have been running a number of week-long training programs that are pretty intensive in that they contain a lot of technical knowledge. I have been trying to include as many practical and fun elements as I can but am running out of ideas for fun recap exercises to do. I usually split the attendees into teams and get them to write quizzes for the other teams to get a bit of competition involved, amongst other things I even resorted to using hangman! Does anyone have any tips for some things I could use? Thanks

I have been running a number of week-long training programs that are pretty intensive in that they contain a lot of technical knowledge. I have been trying to include as many practical and fun elements as I can but am running out of ideas for fun recap exercises to do. I usually split the attendees into teams and get them to write quizzes for the other teams to get a bit of competition involved, amongst other things I even resorted to using hangman! Does anyone have any tips for some things I could use? Thanks

11 Responses

  1. Re Cap Activities

    Try giving them a list of topics to date and ask them to rerarange chronologically. (Can be printed on cards or laminated paper) Then discuss reasons for delivering in that order.

    For a last day activity go through each topic and ask how they will apply this new learning to their life / job.
    More importantly if not why not… and if so why so! Good opportunity to reinforce learning and address concerns and doubts.

    The whole point of training is application so best to find out what you have or haven’t done to change their world before they leave..

    Good luck


  2. Remember ‘Blockbusters’?
    Building on the quiz theme you could play Blockbusters. All you need is a flipchart on which you draw a grid of 4 by 4 squares, each square has a letter in it, two packs of post-it notes in different colours (i.e. orange and green) and a set of questions which you devise beforehand. Divide the group into 2 teams (doesn’t matter if you have unequal numbers) and ask them questions, the answers to which begin with the letters you have written in the grid. e.g. ‘what A is a key function of….?’ The quickest team to press their ‘buzzer’ (be imaginative here) gets to answer the question and if correct, they get a post-it note of their team colour stuck onto the relevant letter. Each team tries to block the other and complete a line. It’s fun and noisy and they do learn from it.
    Email me if you want more info:

  3. Good game, good game

    I think Collete’s “Blockbusters” idea is brilliant – I’ll definitely be using that one! I often use TV show formats as excercises, as most people know the rules and take part enthusiastically. “Who Wants to be a Millionaire” is pretty easy to set up on PowerPoint, and even more fun if you have acces to TurningPoint or a similar voting system (see “Weakest Link” also works well, especially if you have a bit of a character in the group who is prepared to channel their inner Ann Robinson to act as quizmaster. Then there’s “Mastermind” – all you need is a big chair and a list of questions on the previous day’s specialist subject; each team nominates whoever they think would be the best contender.

    Depending on your technical subject, there may be other non-quizzy formats you can use. For example, “Scrapheap Challenge” for engineers (provide a list and/or pictures of available component parts and a project brief), or “Ready Steady Cook” for food preparation or nutrition (provide a carrier bag of ingredients and award a prize for the best / healthiest recipe).

    With a bit of planning, you could even have a different “show” every day with an overall prize for the winning team at the end of the week.

    If possible award silly prizes that have some sort of link to the subject matter as an additional reinforcer (tools, utensils, PPE items etc. can be spray painted gold and turned into cheap one-off trophies).

    Good luck, and let us all know how you get on!

    Rachel Jones
    A470 Training

  4. Re-cap exercises
    2 of my favourites:
    You could get them to put together a mind map of what’s been covered on the day – could do individually, pairs or small groups.

    If there are lots of logical steps in a process, put each step onto a small card; have 2 or 3 sets, depending on numbers and take a few out of each set (different ones). Then get the groups to put into order, identifying what is missing. “Cheating” allowed ie comparing with other groups so they are all sure at the end.


  5. Use pictures
    Split them into groups. Give each group a piece of flipchart and some coloured pencils or crayons. Give each group a major subject from the previous day(s) and get them to draw their learning points (no words allowed). This reviews the previous day, is fun and gets the right brain working.

    One of the previous replies mentioned doing Who Wants to be a Millionnaire. I got a template from Trainer Bubble which uses the question screen and music from the tv programme.

    Take a look at



  6. Thanks for all of the ideas!
    I will give them and see what works best

    Continuing the game show theme, I found that by using an online ‘anagram maker’ and countdown clock I can make numerous ‘countdown’ conundrums!

  7. Review Exercise
    one i frequently use which works well is to divide group into small teams and give them the following brief:-

    “Working in teams, and using notes if needed, put together a 5 minute presentation to the group on your key learns from today
    Your presentation should
    be creative,
    informative and
    involve all your team
    You have 30 minutes to prepare…..”

    i usually give them a nudge by suggesting previous formats that have worked e.g. based on TV Quiz shows; role plays in the style of……; pop songs with new lyrics and limericks etc. I usually offer a prize for the best (or worst!).

    Mike Newman

  8. Recap Exercises
    Hi, wow loads of ideas already.
    Try splitting into groups and ask them to write on a flip the alphabet and then a coresponding subject or piece of learning from the previous day. Works well if you give a little of poetic license around letters q and z!!
    Julie Grundy

  9. Not wildly original, but maybe useful…
    Get the group to ‘sell’ yesterdays course QVC stylee!
    They can use all material used as part of the selling, therefore reminding everyone what they physically have so far. This works particularly well for a sales course (obviously!) but I have also used it for other courses and it works, especially if there are a few really outgoing people who are happy to ham it up!

  10. Noughts & Crosses Recap Exercise

    Get the group to split into 2 teams and get them to write questions for the opposing team. On a blank flip chart grid it off into a noughts and crosses board. When they teams ask the other teams questions if they get the answer correct they can mark off a square on the noughts and crosses board. The first team to get a line of 3 wins. You could use this throughout training to generate a little competition and its very effective. It was taught to me by my boss and the teams i have used it with love it! Very fun, but a great way to re-cap learning!