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Recognising Complaints


I am looking at creating a complaints recognition tool for call centre staff to use when dealing with complaints from the general public. In the main these complaints will be low level, which will be resolved by the call centre agent at the end of the call.

I have been looking along the lines of using some sort of key trigger words mechanism and was wondering if anybody out there had:
·Built or used anything similar.
·A list of key trigger words for complaints
·Any innovative ideas for complaints identification training.
·Any useful web address

Andy Rice

2 Responses

  1. Pareto Analysis
    Hi Andy

    I take it that this is an existing call centre where staff are currently dealing with complaints. If this is the case, I suggest that you look at, or begin, a complaints log to identify the bulk of the complaints by category. You will probably find that 80% or more of the complaints fall into no more than four or five categories. When you have identified the categories it will probably be quite easy to pick key words that will indicate a complaint category.

    If you haven’t come across this before, it’s called Pareto Analysis – after a 19th century Italian economist (I think). I have found it to be a useful tool since, having identified the categories it is easy to then move to providing stock answers for the complaints that occur most frequently.

    The best of luck with the project and a very happy Christmas to you!

  2. Key Words
    Try this…
    When I run my customer care and my equal opportunities for customer courses – as well as staff care – I ask delegates to bring along items for an observatory session which spotlights good or bad practice.It can be letters,e mailsa,suggestion coupons,newspaper articles,back copies of consumer mags or leaflets -anything! I run a session where we link the themes in this observatory to things like attitude,assumptions,communication,systems and procedures,poor training,image and environment.This links to words,non verbal communication,tone etc. In the plenary at the end of this observatory I ask delegates to prepare in teams for next task.Creating a word puzzle with about 20 of the key words hidden for the other side to find. I ask the teams to include at least 5 key words from their OWN COLLECTIVE experience.A full vocabularly usually emerges.Finally,there needs to be space for action planning one of which must be directive.You want each delefgate within a week of the course to send you any other words they further encounter in terms of customer service.
    You will emerge with a good and LOCAL A to Z with flow charts linking back to the training and any further corporate messages or instructions

    Festive Greetings!
