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Reporting Exercise


Hello. I have been tasked with creating an interactive activity that involves accurate report wrtitng.  My idea is to introduce the session with some theory first then do an interactive session.  The Project Managers need to fill in 3 boxes regarding projects and they are Summary of Progress , Upcoming Activities and Crtical Issues.  I wanted to make it fun and been trying to think of a way I could do it.

Any ideas?



One Response

  1. Hi Terry, it’s always
    Hi Terry, it’s always difficult to make some business critical activities ‘fun’ even though they may be essential. What may help is to get one of your end users to help you to create a case study that isn’t real but closely recreates a project that your learners would recognise. You can add-in some challenges and play devil’s advocate.
    I think people would be more open to critiquing something like this and would probably get into it. You can make it more interesting by throwing in red herrings or information that looks, on the surface, to be important but isn’t really when you dig down deep. Hope that helps.