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Claire Savage


Editor, news

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Representative bodies – your views please!


We've had lots of questions about representative bodies – such as the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, the Institute of Training and Occupational Learning, the British Learning Association and the American Society of Training and Development - on Any Answers. Often these questions focus on issues such as:
Which one?
What do I get for my money?
And even: What's the point?
TrainingZONE is planning a new series for the New Year looking at the different bodies and we'd like to hear your first hand views. Are you a member of one or more representative bodies? Is membership worth its weight in gold, or not the paper it's written on? Let us know by posting a comment below or sending an email to
We would really value your experiences.
Claire Savage
Editor, TrainingZONE

3 Responses

  1. My experiences
    What about:
    ILM – institute of leadership and management &
    Chartered Management Institute.

    I am a member of CIPD and CMI. Benefits – looks good for job applications, keeps you current and upto date, helps with research for CIPD HRD Dip. Need CIPD for my job.
    CMI good as you can pay DD spread out.
    CIPD not good as have to pay one lump sum.

    Both do regional activities – some are excellent value – but not pushed enough e.g. networking event for £10 – you would normally pay £500 for such an event!

    However, do feel they should provide a lot more for your money – they certainly need to be more customer focused!

  2. Local Networks
    Greetings & Happy New Year!

    Our responses will obviously be influenced by what our individual needs are and how effectively we believe membership is addressing these.

    I belong to the New Zealand Assn of Training & Development (NZATD) which has affiliatives in other countries. I live in a secondary centre so do not actively participate at events which are held regularly in major centres and generally well supported. This organisation provides regular email bulletins which are beneficial and also recently launched a Training Providers Directory which will be useful as it evolves.

    As an aside… to overcome the location challenge local T&D Managers (av company size 200-300 employees) have formed a Training Partnership. We meet 6 weekly to network and share generic training activities (eg MS Application skills, OH&S, Project Management, etc, etc) which provides a tangible benefit and return to all involved parties.

    For example, one organisation will host a training activity and promote this (with the blessing of their external training provider) to the other ‘member companies’ if it is not sustainable in-house. A calendar of events is published and an admin component is built into the fee charged where relevant. Due to numbers and reliability the fee we are able to charge is often substantially less than public workshops.

    The concept is working well and is win:win as membership is controlled (around a dozen organisations) and hosting is shared.

    Happy to talk more on this concept..

    Speed Safely!

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Claire Savage

Editor, news

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