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Request: Urgent Training proposal document required


need to write a proposal including pricing for training.  Does anyone have any resources they could direct me to please? I really don't want to blow this as we are up against several of our competitors.  Any different ways of presenting ideas, such as menu option they can pick and choose from what be appreciated or something different from the usual gold, silver, bronze offerings .


12 Responses

  1. more information required?

    Dear Sherbert

    So much of this will depend on :-

    ~the type of proposal request; is it an ITT or an open opportunity?

    ~ the client; are they attuned to training proposals or is this going to be new ground for them?

    ~who, if anyone, is the current provider?

    ~ why they want the training; is it statutory or discretionary, how have they identified the need, how big a need is it (in population terms), is it a one subject exercise or a wide ranging approach?

    ~what their history and capacity is for adding blended learning and what added value this could bring them

    ~the presentation method of the proposal; is it a formal face to face presentation or a documentary presentation, if the former is it a one to one or a panel?

    ~are they conservative or progressive in their general style?

    ~are they strapped for cash or able to invest a lot in higher quality?

    Give a bit more background and you’ll get better quality response



  2. Training proposal

    HI Russ, thanks for response.  We have been approached to provide a proposal and yes the client is attuned to receiving them.  There is no current provider, three providers have been asked to provide quotations.  Yes they have identified the software for rollout, and the types of courses and numbers of attendees. Presentation method is written, cost is an issue however, quality should still be retained.  I was just trying to find other ways of displyaing the info in a menu type style, so they can pick and choose the additional elements that we think would enhance the overall training however, they may not wish to pursue dependant upon budget. 







  3. menus and options

    Hi Sherbert

    Menu type approach seems to be sensible, or you could try presenting it as a process map, though this would work best if you can submitin writing but electronically using links and bookmarks to the differing options and benefits of taking them.  The only danger of either is that the document is likely to end up quite complex making it more difficult to compare your quote with the competition, but then, twas ever thus.

    Good luck


  4. Comparing quotes
    It’s the desire to make proposals ‘different’ that turn what should be one of the simplest taks (is X more than Y) into one of the hardest and most frustrating parts of a procurement process. I recently completed a procurement for a not insignificant sum of money and what looked like one of the cheapest bids on first read became more and more complex and in the end lost out.

    Always go back to the brief:
    What is expected?
    Have you demostrated that you can supply what is required?
    How is it to be priced?
    What has the purchaser asked for in terms of costings?
    Have you included all incidental costs and are they included within your proposal?
    What added value is included ‘for free’ within your proposal?

    If the answers to the above questions are not clear, check with the purchaser their list of essentials and desirables. If I’m buying training in I like to know that the potential suppliers have clear ideas about what is expected.

  5. innovative bid..

    write the basic proposal – then send them to a (secure) web page which has a budget calculator – then they tick the options/ quantities they want and presto… the proposal is complete…


    they can also use it as a what if generator…

  6. Cool?

    Easy to compare like for like providers? Not necessarily, unless each provider completed the same piece of software…now that’s an idea I’m going to look at.

  7. cool as in…

    …sherbert72 asked for something different….

    the only way the prospect is going to really be able to compare like-for-like is to demand a very specific tender response on a common template….this approach generally reduces the process to a commodity price war (in my ‘umble opinion)

  8. don’t over complicate

    Rather than trying to make the offering different why not aim to make it as simple as possible….I am always receiving quotes and the ones I like are the ones that state "this is what we can do, this is what we recommend you have,   X costs £, Y costs ££ and Z costs £££" .  This means I can read them easily, get the key facts and make decisions.  

    The bit that will make you different is what you are offering so focus on your USP.

    Good luck! 

  9. compare…. nooooooo

    Hi Andrew . no, the question asked for an original way to present a quote, not for a robotic, clinical and passionless comparison tool.

    Any organisation that uses a standard "commodity" based proposal approach will not get a quote from any real provider that can make a real difference.

    A lot of money has been wasted in the purchasing of training because the training has been purchased on price rather then output or value – it is this approach that has decimated the training industry in the last 2 years.

    If you are buying legal/ qualification based training when the output is against an external quality level, then you can go on price, however look at pass/ success rates. (i.e. food hygiene or first aid) – but for behavioural based training or leadership – look for value not cost.

    Better to have half of your needs met within budget – than a course that purports to do it all but with no change in the workplace.

    penny wise pound foolish

  10. don’t over complicate

    Hi Blake

    you are right – however in my experience few clients can be clear enough in the spec, so an options based proposal is often the best way to go – remember our goal is to maximise the chances that we will be selected.

    If we have 2 options and only put one forward – you may choose a supplier that has opted for the one we did not present!

    Its a numbers game…

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