I am currently working with a team which is looking at using digital technology to provide learners in SMEs with basic skills learning opportunities. As a part of this we are looking at the support which can be put in place and this includes mentors ( or buddies / peers since mentoring got all upmarket ). Any insights, articles etc would be very gratefully received and will be repaid in some small measure by any help I can give in allied areas and a copy of our final report. In the meantime more dtail of the project can be found on www.shu.ac.uk/upgrade2000
Alistair Norman

One Response
For information about mentoring check out the Coaching & Mentoring Network website at http://www.coachingnetwork.org.ukThis is a Uk based protal site for information, services and resources in the coaching and mentoring fields. If you can’t find what you need on the site then call 0870 733 3313 and we’ll be happy to help. And, yes please, we’d love to see your report – and to publish it on the website if this is of interest to you.