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Alice Ma

Fortune Pharmacal Co. Ltd.

Organization and People Development Manager

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Resources on Organizational Culture Development


Hi all,

I'm recently taken up a new role in OD area and my first task is to cascade the revised company values to all staff; espcially in how to "train" people to have a passion of our company values.  I wonder whether such "passion" can be trained?!  My mission is not simply to explain the values, and build awareness; but also to sustain the momentum once communication or training done, in other words, how to ensure people would walk those values in doing their work.  Hence, I'd like to seek your kind sharing and assistance to direct me to resources in this topic.  Any recommended websites or books?

I'd appreciate a lot if you could also share with me your precious experiences in handling the subject matter.



4 Responses

  1. Values…..whose?

    Hi Alice

    One of the main problems with corporate values is that they are thought up by a group of highly paid managers or directors and then "imposed" on the rest of the company…..briefly, then they are filed in a bottom drawer and forgotten about.

    If you want to make values valuable then forst of all everyone has to buy in to them and the best way for this is if all the people are involved in identifying the values.  Then they have to be seen to be the guiding light of all decisions and actions throughout the organisation.  Amongst other things this means that you need to weave the values into your performance management/appraisal/rewards and recognition processes……sadly what tends to happen is that we "say" that respect, teamwork and integrity (for example) are the values we espouse but we promote and pay people solely on sales figures.  This may not seem helpful but if your role is OD rather tha just training, you may have some influence over these related areas.



  2. Just another measure?

    I agree with Rus’s sentiments and would also suggest that you take care that the values don’t become just another measure.

    Take a kilo of meat.  You can weigh it.  You can measure it’s length.  You can compare it’s colour to another kilo of meat.  You can smell it.  You can measure it’s width.  All different measures, all have validity in a certain context.  However, you haven’t changed anything; it’s still a kilo of meat.

  3. How to Ignite Passion to Embrace these Values

    Thanks for the sharing and in fact, the Management also sees the same that these values would be incorporated into the performance appraisal system.  What currently we’re doing is to look for examples of work behaviors that demonstrate such values.  In fact, we’re conducting a few sessions of focus group meetings with various levels of staff to identify the behaviors of high and below-par performers, so as to develop the appraisal rating.  I’m OK with the part of defining and explaining those values to staff.  It’s just I don’t know how to ignite their "passion" to embrace these values.  I request anyone to help me in this by pointing me the path in finding out more information such as tales of passion, OD intervention, websites, books, or tools … etc.



  4. Tapping into passion, motivation and inspiration

    Hi Alice,

    Sounds like you have an exciting challenge ahead of you! Often, as Andrew and Russ have acknowledged, company values are seen by employees to have little connection with their personal role and contribution in the organisation. Part of the piece, as I see it, is to connect living the values (when the appropriate actions become embodied in peoples’ everyday behaviour) with employees individual sense of success (or vision). So, for example, if success for me is to see myself succeeding in my role, contributing my talent to the success of the team and organisation(and also feeding my personal values), I have to be able to see how engaging in the behaviours that support the company values will help me achieve that. The responsibility for widening perspectives in this way and awakening people through these ‘leadership conversations’ is the role of the line manager. I think employees can sometimes become disconnected from the fact that their personal wealth is directly linked to helping the organisation succeed. Instead, what often happens is, people get in the way, or become barriers to success, especially when their personal values are not being fed by their manager or the business.

    RA Consultancy (http://www.raconsultancy) would be a great start for a conversation if you’re looking for more on the ‘how’. I recommend them. Do get in touch if you’d like more info or a chat.



    Karen Stone UK Head of Learning & Development

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Alice Ma

Organization and People Development Manager

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