I'm about to conduct a full-scale review/audit of everything that comes under the banner of training and development. My organisation employs over 1500 people in various locations in the UK, so I need a logical, rigorous model to follow. The MD is expecting great things from the t and d strategy that will be subsequently developed, so I really need to get it right! Has anyone out there any experience of conducting such a large-scale review?
Gillian Doolin

2 Responses
Training Review
I have had some experience in such a programme,both in the UK and overseas, and wish you all the best!
If I can be of assistance please e-mail me with some questions, and I’ll try to be helpful.
Financial Results !
My guess is that most MD’s would like to see a link between the results of the business and the training that is carried out.
Kirkpatrick evaluation etc that looks at financial results and has some elements for planning training.
I would start here …
Ask the MD what his vision for the business what he wants his people to be doing daily how he wants them to feel about working for your company.
Then move into managers and staff an find out what they would need to be able to improve.
If you really want to impress him focus on changing behaviour as opposed to upskilling. There are a number of books by Robert Dilts about that etc