I work for an IT company that provides systems to companies in the Energy Industry and we provide training as required to out clients on these systems. Unfortunately the company does not currently see training as a revenue generating stream and it is therefore not ‘Sold’ to our clients and is an after thought. This is something that we are trying to change and I am working towards making Training Consultancy a department in it’s own right offering a variety of services and course that we will sell to our clients in additional to the system.
Management buy in to this in theory, but I need to produce some figures, as well as business cases for them.
I can show how much the courses cost to develop, how much we should charge per delegate, per day and have been using some standad ROI models that I have found on the internet. However, my problem is showing the benefit value to both us and the client, as to date we have not had the opportunity to follow up on any training done.
Can anyone offer any advice on how I can illustrate to management in a visual/money driven way the benefits that training gives both our clients and could give us.
Any thoughts welcome.
Manda Henderson
Management buy in to this in theory, but I need to produce some figures, as well as business cases for them.
I can show how much the courses cost to develop, how much we should charge per delegate, per day and have been using some standad ROI models that I have found on the internet. However, my problem is showing the benefit value to both us and the client, as to date we have not had the opportunity to follow up on any training done.
Can anyone offer any advice on how I can illustrate to management in a visual/money driven way the benefits that training gives both our clients and could give us.
Any thoughts welcome.
Manda Henderson