My Sales Director attended a sales course many years ago where he learned about a technique called 'Chasing the Fox'( he thinks that's what it was called) He would really like his team to attend this training however, I have never heard of this technique. It actually involves the sales man identifying who the person in the organisation is with the real clout! and talking to them rather than wasting time with those who cannot make the decision.
Julie Asher-Smith

3 Responses
Chasing the fox by any other name…
I can quite understand why your Sales Director would want to train his team in identifying the “real” buying authority in an organisation! I have not come across it under this precise name, but like most tools for sales success, the same technique goes under many different titles.
Copraxis can deliver training that not only ensures identification of the person with true authority, but also his/her motivators – the factors that influence what they buy and from whom. It is also vital to understand the position of the other players in the organisation and be able to win them to your cause or at least ensure they do not work against you.
I’d be delighted to share information with you. Take a look at the skills section of our website at or e-mail me for more information.
Chasing the fox
Hi again Julie
Apologies for not including my e-mail address on the previous comment I added. It is
Kind regards
David Smith
I agree with David Smith
I agree with both your Sales Director and David Smith about the common sense of this approach, but not at the detrement of forming relationships with others in the business – after all what happens if the decision maker leaves? New people often have old preferences. I also think a lot depends on the product/service you are selling and the clients/prospects you deal with.
Like David, I do not know sales training by that name, but would be happy to discuss programmes that we have operated with the same approach. Call on 0161 875 0100 or visit if you want to know how we can help you.
Antony Dyson