Hi all, I have been asked by our local high school to present a one day course for post high school matric students. Has anyone done something of this kind? I am looking at topics such as: - CV format - Interviews and grooming - Mock Interviews Etc...etc.... Do you have any ideas that you think need including? This is particularly aimed at students who have finished high school and are either looking for scholarships to study further or looking for gap year jobs. Any info would be highly appreciated. Fiona

3 Responses
Job Search
Hello Fiona
Most Internet Jobsearch companys have really good advice for CV’s etc…
http://www.careerlibrary.tv/ (if you have a budget to buy videos…only about £15 each)
For the interviews I would invite in some people to interview for real and give feedback to your students. (I used to do this as a volunteer interviewer with a local school)
If this isn’t possible then Youtube has many great videos you could show and discuss the good and bad points.
The main aim at the end of the day would be for each student to have
Good luck
Interview practice
Hi Fiona
It might be worth including some time looking at their experience to date – to help them prepare for possible competence based/behavioural style interviews. So, when they are faced with a question like "Tell me about a time when you worked as part of a team" they can readily recall something from their school days or other activities (school plays or shows, football team, weekend job etc). It would be worth pulling together a collection of person specs for suitable jobs and then giving them some time to match their experience to the requirements of the job. I found this went down really well with 6th formers – they had no idea just how much experience they already had that would be useful in the workplace. Competences such as leadership, teamworking, decision making, resourcefulness, planning, time management and so on came up regularly.
Hope this helps.
what do they need?
It may help them more if you can get them to actually address what they want/need to do next rather than the ‘either/or’ option of gap year or scholarship……many youngsters are recognising that embarking on their real career or setting up their own business is actually a better bet than the traditional path in an untraditional world!